Renaming the ILC

The Power Of Our Words
Renaming the ILC 

ISB believes that learning in a diverse environment benefits everyone in our school community and we are committed to serving students with a diverse range of exceptionalities.  As a result, we are a better, stronger learning community that continues to evolve in our knowledge, understanding, and practices.  One example of this evolution is a better understanding of the impact language has on how we perceive learning differences.

Maybe you have started hearing words like neurotypical, neurodivergent, or neurodiversity when discussing students who learn in different ways.  This shift in terminology helps remove the stigma and negative association attached to words that often view differences as deficits.  In doing so, it allows us to be more inclusive in our thinking and ultimately our own practices.  We shift from seeing inclusion as a special place where services are delivered and towards seeing inclusion as a belief we want to embrace.  A belief that all students are valued for who they are and what they can do.  

Moving forward, the Intensive Learning Center (ILC) will be renamed Life Centered Education (LCE).  This name was carefully selected for a few reasons.  First and foremost, it more accurately describes the goal of services provided in this program such as; functional academics, social-emotional development, and occupational skills.  A focus on these areas empowers students by promoting independence, self-advocacy, and academics in an inclusive and caring community. Second, it removes a possible perception that someone’s ability to learn is inadequate. Finally, it aligns with the naming of similar programs in other international schools.  Students will continue to go to the LCE to receive services, and the LCE team will continue to support students in other classes as appropriate.  The shift will only be in language use, as we believe words are powerful and have the ability to impact our perceptions.

By: Dr. Keith Collins
Director of Student Services



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