Weekly Message From Principal Allen

Thanks again go out to parents for all the support you are providing at home to help ensure that students are having a successful virtual school experience!  Strong Parent-Teacher partnerships always benefit students and this is especially true during virtual school.  When teachers contact you over the next couple of weeks about the virtual school successes and challenges, please share your feedback freely as you work together to support your child. 

Self care continues to be very important during these uncertain times. We invite you to continue to reflect on the ISB tips for self-care below…the tips are really, really helpful for all of us!  Be sure to watch for some ES students’ VS healthy eating tips in Monday’s weekly community Seesaw video as well as send us your video clips of your family practicing self care (see the “Help Wanted” announcement for details).

We shared a New York Times article by Adam Grant with our ES faculty and staff earlier today that you might also find interesting. Entitled There’s a Name for the Blah You’re Feeling: It’s Called Languishing, it’s an excellent piece that speaks to what might be the dominant emotion of 2021.  Grant says, “Even if you’re not depressed or burned out, you might be languishing – feeling a sense of emptiness and stagnation.  Meh.”  He recommends that “naming it is a step toward lighting a path out of the void.” 

Once again, thank you for your continued partnership and support.  I look forward to reflecting on the feedback you share with your child’s teacher over the next two weeks. 

Your partner in education,
Michael Allen, Ed.D.

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