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Successful Week back in Virtual School

by Dennis Harter, MS Principal

Our return from the Songkran break wasn’t the way we wanted – we’d be much happier with everyone on campus – but our teachers, staff, and students have transitioned into Virtual School smoothly and easily. The partnership at home and school has supported students connection with classes, attendance in Zoom sessions, and continued learning progress. 

We have done our best to communicate with updates on COVID cases and changes in schedule. This may have led to more emails than usual, but we hope that this communication has been relevant and helpful. We will continue to use eNews to communicate as best we can and send other emails only when the timeliness is essential.

We hope that our community is keeping safe and maintaining COVID-safe behaviors like mask-wearing, hand washing, and distancing.

At this time, we will be in Virtual School through April 30th. We will communicate any information about the following week when we know more.


Early Bangkok departures

Parents who plan to leave BKK or Thailand prior to June 11th are asked to contact Mr. Dennis Harter, MS Principal, to share details.

Please note that when virtual school ends and classes resume on campus, ongoing learning for students who don’t return to campus will continue in the form of asynchronous learning tasks and assignments. Teachers will post work assignments on PowerSchool Learning.




MS Principal’s Forum Postponed

The MS Principal’s Forum, calendared for Tuesday, April 28th is postponed until a later date in May. We will use the forum as an opportunity to talk and answer parent questions regarding Virtual School, returning to campus, and the implications these might have on the end of the school year events and assessments.

At this time we do not have enough information with which to speak to these points, so we will postpone until we have a better understanding of whether we will be in Virtual School longer or returning to campus learning sooner. 

We will communicate the new date in a future eNews.


Drug and Alcohol Parent Presentation Recording

This past Wednesday, the HS Counselors and Administration hosted a parent presentation on Drugs and Alcohol. The session was hosted on Zoom in webinar format. We appreciate that MS parents were also invited to attend the session looking ahead to high school, but also to understand some school curriculum and policies that extend into middle school.

The recording of the presentation is now available to parents to view at the following link. Please note the password for access is provided below as well.


Teacher feedback comments in PowerSchool

Earlier this week, comments were posted on PowerSchool for each student from their teachers. This formative feedback provides students with areas of strength and areas to target improvement. 

For easier access to the comments, we have posted the comments into a single PDF Comments document that parents and students can download. The document (like report cards) is password protected and the password is provided to you in PowerSchool. You do not have to click on each class to view the feedback.

This week students were supposed to read through their comments and reflect on areas to attend to during the final 6-7 weeks of the term. With our opening in Virtual School, we have shifted this plan and will be looking for new ways to have students engage with this feedback.

look for this set of links

Look for this link when you access PowerSchool – “Download Mid-Semester Comment Report For Semester 2”


Book Requests During Virtual School

by the Library staff

All ISB Community Members are welcome to check out books from the Main Library.

Please go to the Main Library site and complete the 2021 April Book or SORA Request Form located on the main page.

Book Return Bins: Located by the Panther.

Book Pick Up: Located at a table by the Panther on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We will email you when the book is ready for pick-up.

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