News from HS Counselors

Shannon Leoni

We hope that virtual school has gotten off to a strong start for everyone, and that April break was as restful and relaxing as can be expected. 

One event to highlight from this week was the well-attended ‘Drugs and Alcohol in Bangkok and Your Child’ presentation from John Schachnovsky, a retired Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Agent. There was a great discussion with parents, and lots of helpful takeaways. The presentation focused on ways to have thoughtful and consistent conversations with your children about healthy decision-making, and ways that ISB continues to provide resources and support for students in that area as well.  We welcome any questions or comments from parents around this topic.

As we continue with virtual school, please let us know if you have any concerns about your child or would like us to get in touch with them. Our counseling team is ready to be supportive in whatever ways we can. We remind students to keep finding the balance with school and self-care, and to stay safe and well.

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