PTA Grants

Each year, the ISB PTA is happy to support a few projects that benefit the school community. If you have a great idea, you are very welcome to apply for a grant. Check out the list below and see if your idea meets these criteria and if so we look forward to hearing from you.


Your idea needs to:

  • Align with ISB’s vision, mission, attributes and values.
  • Improve student learning, safety or quality of life.
  • Not be an expense that is currently covered by the school and tuition fees.
  • Help programs and objectives that may be insufficiently resourced.
  • Involve no future resource requirements by the PTA. (Maintenance).              

Please fill in this Grant Application Form                                                                               

or send an email to Dunke Tostevin                  

Thank you 

ISB PTA Board                                       

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