Weekly Message From Principal Allen

On behalf of all of us in the ES, we hope that you are having a restful, enjoyable, and SAFE Songkran break despite the COVID uncertainties that have continued to evolve. 

All of you have received various emails and updates this week informing you of ISB families who have members that have tested positive for COVID, and we know that this has been unsettling and worrisome.  We send everyone in the ISB family impacted by COVID our love and best wishes for a speedy recovery and safe return to their families.   Thank you for your on-going support of these individuals and their families. 

Please continue to practice safety measures (i.e. mask wearing, hand washing, safe physical distancing) and to monitor for symptoms. ISB leadership will continue to communicate as we know more information and make decisions, in the meantime, thank you for your patience, understanding, and support of each other.

Your partner in education,
Michael Allen, Ed.D.

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