Weekly Message From Principal Allen

Many thanks to our students, faculty, instructional assistants, and parents for working together to ensure our transition to virtual school these past few days was as seamless as possible.

Thank you students for your active engagement during your Zoom sessions and self-managing during each class as well as managing your schedule of lessons!

Thank you to our faculty for quickly jumping into action by collaborating with your team to ensure virtual school consistency across the grade level and effectively communicating the schedules, Zoom links, and learning tasks to families!

Thank you to our instructional assistants for coordinating the preparation of all the ES iPads for all students and handing out the iPads to families on Wednesday morning!

Thank you to our parents for coming to school to pick up the iPads and setting up your children for virtual school success by setting up a quiet work space at home and helping them Zoom into sessions these past three days!

On behalf of all of us in the elementary school, have a safe and enjoyable Songkran break!  

Your partner in education,
Michael Allen, Ed.D.

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