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Proposal to Increase Early Dismissals

Andy Davies

Dear ISB Community,

We are writing to let you know that we will be postponing our plans to increase early dismissals for the next school year.

We recognize that the timing of this proposal is not optimal given the late stage of the school year and the pandemic. We also understand that there are some community concerns to address.

The Leadership Team believes that increased time for teachers and teams of teachers to focus on improving learning will have a positive impact. We will continue to research ways to best achieve this going forward. 

Providing additional time for teacher collaboration is a WASC recommendation for ISB while the research is clear on the correlation between collaborative time for teachers and improved learning outcomes for students.

We will engage our community next year in further conversations and will arrange a variety of forums for discussion and feedback.

We thank you very much for the time you have taken to provide feedback through surveys and webinars.

Kind regards.


Justin Alexander

Dear Parents, 

It was an unusual week for us as we celebrated our Songkran assembly on Monday, followed by a teacher professional learning day on Tuesday (during the Chakri day holiday) and then of course we switched back to online school (or virtual school) on Wednesday. The teachers and students moved quickly and effectively back to zoom lessons and to working from home. Hopefully, we will all be back in school on Monday April 19th and be able to return to ‘in person’ school at that time. 

Please keep a lookout for updates over the Songkran break as circumstances change and as we learn more about the COVID situation and school here at ISB. 

Have a safe and restful break

Justin Alexander
High School Principal


Words Matter

Justin Alexander

Over the past week or so the HS admin team have been speaking with students in grade level assemblies (Grade 10,11 and 12) regarding the use of inappropriate language being used around the school. This is happening on the field, in the hallways and in the cafeteria where teachers are not able to hear this take place. This is not commonplace, but is still concerning to me and our faculty at school that some of our students are choosing to use language that is sexist, racist, discriminatory and offensive. 

We made it very clear to our students that this is not acceptable and that we will hold people accountable for their actions and their words. A reminder email was sent to all HS students earlier today as well. We were due to meet with Grade 9 on Wednesday to discuss this, but unfortunately the switch to virtual school resulted in that assembly being postponed. We will speak with the Grade 9’s after the break. Of course the vast and significant majority of our student body are respectful and thoughtful in the language and uphold the values at ISB. 

All the best.

Justin Alexander, Andy Vaughan, Justyna McMillan


You’re Invited: Drugs and Alcohol in Bangkok and Your Child

Hello HS Parents,

You are invited to an evening session with John Schachnovsky, a retired Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Special Agent with 25 years of federal law enforcement experience. The past ten years, John served in Thailand as the head FBI representative to the governments of Thailand, Myanmar and Laos.  

Since his retirement, John has worked as a security and law enforcement consultant for numerous multinational companies and has spoken to students and parents at international schools across Asia.

On Wednesday, April 21 from 6:30-8pm in the MPB 1 and 2, John will speak with ISB parents about Drugs and Alcohol in Bangkok and Your Child.  There will also be a significant portion of our time together that evening for your questions on this topic to be answered by John.

If we are not back on campus on April 21 or if we have restrictions around gathering in groups, the session will be held via Zoom and you will receive a link to join – same day, same time.

In the meantime, could you please RSVP at this link so that we can plan for the number of parents attending either in person or virtually.  Thank you!

Looking forward to our time together.

Andy Vaughan
Dean of Students

Kevin Callahan
High School Counselor

Shannon Leoni
High School Counselor

Jackie Valenzuela
High School Counselor


DELVE Permission Forms

Peter Assimakopoulos

With the unforeseen closure of our campus, all permission forms sent home this week are due on Monday, April 19th, upon our return to campus. Please hold on to those forms and ask your child to bring them to the HS Office on Monday, April 19th. 

 It is imperative to note, keeping our students and the community safe is our utmost priority. I can assure you we are closely monitoring the situation. If for any reason we are asked to make any changes to the trips, we will communicate these changes to you as soon as possible. 

 Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. 


Peter Assimakopoulos



New from HS Counselors

Shannon Leoni

We did not anticipate that this eNews would be coming to you from virtual school, but here we are again. We remain optimistic and inspired by how our community comes together, and are hopeful that we will be back together in-person following a much-needed Songkran break.

Moving ahead, we’d like to make sure parents are aware of an upcoming event. We are hosting a special evening session with John Schachnovsky, a retired Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Special Agent with 25 years of federal law enforcement experience. The past ten years, John served in Thailand as the head FBI representative to the governments of Thailand, Myanmar and Laos.  Since his retirement, John has worked as a security and law enforcement consultant for numerous multinational companies and has spoken to students and parents at international schools across Asia.

On Wednesday, April 21 from 6:30-8pm in the MPB 1 and 2, John will speak with middle and high school ISB parents about Drugs and Alcohol in Bangkok and Your Child.  There will also be a significant portion of our time together for your questions on this topic.

If we are not back on campus on April 21 or if we have restrictions around gathering in large groups, the session will still be held via Zoom and you will receive a link to join.

In the meantime, could you please RSVP at this link so that we can plan for the number of parents attending either in person or virtually.  Thank you!

We look forward to seeing you there. Stay safe and be well.


News from the College Office

Sonya Ohlsson

Decisions are still coming in from various parts of the globe. As always, we ask that students share that information with their counselor. Please be sure you are checking your admission portals as that may be where and how the decisions are released to you. They will also tell you if something is missing from your application–and it’s your responsibility to know that.

It’s important for seniors to check for deadlines of when they must make their decision known to a university–when do you need to make a deposit and is there also a separate housing deposit? Do not miss out because you didn’t follow up. 

Do NOT double deposit!! This could lead to offers being rescinded in the US. If you have questions about depositing in other countries, please speak with your college counselor right away.

If you have received all of your UK decisions, please know your deadline for picking your Firm and Insurance choice. If you have questions about that, please speak with your counselor.

And, as always, please update your Cialfo with ALL of your decisions–Admit, Conditional Admit, Denied, Waitlisted, January Admit, Deferred, Withdrawn.

Going to the US and need a Student Visa? There will be a US Student VISA Talk by the US Embassy for Seniors and their parents on April 22, 3:00-4:00pm.  To join this important session, please use this Zoom link:


Juniors had their first essay draft due to their college counselor on April 9th. We look forward to reading them and giving feedback to help support the development of some amazing essays. 

April 9 was our last Junior College Seminar of the year. We had a lot to talk about as a group, but it is not the last time juniors will meet with their counselors! They should continue to drop by and schedule times to meet throughout the rest of the semester.

Juniors have all met with their counselor and presented for their Junior-Led Conferences. At this point, they should be continuing on with their research, looking at their Cialfo Longlists and adding or deleting things from it as they research. It will be important for them to keep meeting with their counselor so that we can provide feedback and guidance, especially as they look at potential colleges and universities.

Summer Programs:

If you are wondering what to do during the summer, check out our summer program opportunities list on the College Counseling Google site: Summer Programs 


The last SAT this school year is June 5th and is Subject Test ONLY. The deadline to register for the June test date is May 6. This will be the last time any Subject Tests are offered ever!


ISB Virtual University Visits Next Week:

There are a few ISB virtual university visits for the week after Songkran break:
April 19 — University of Melbourne 11:00am
April 21 — University of Oregon 11:00am
April 23 — University of York (UK) 11:00am

To find the links and registration for this visit and other virtual visits, go to our College Site.


News from HS Library

Chris Bell

Please click News from HS Library



FREE Songwriting Master Class featuring ISB Alumni

3:30-5pm Monday, April 19th CC Music Lab 

Anthony Giles

Ever thought about writing a song? Join Alumni Guest Artists Alex “Syps” Sypsomos, Nikki “Kessari” Glucksman, and Jace “JP” Payackapan for a songwriting workshop designed to get the creative process started – and finished. Interested? Sign up HERE. Questions? Contact Anthony Giles at

Rescheduled: HS Spring Drama Showcase 
4pm & 6:30pm April 26th CCT 

Anthony Giles

Come and enjoy six student-directed drama performances in the CCT this April! Each short performance is fully student devised and directed. Tickets are 200THB for adults and 100THB for students and can be reserved using this Google Form. Ms Harison-Denby (




BOrCh (Band, Orchestra, Choir) Concert
6:30pm April 27th Chevron Theatre

Anthony Giles

ISB HS Music Department Presents the annual BOrCH (Band, Orchestra, Choir) Concert! This year we will be celebrating the work of underrepresented composers from different eras, musical styles, and countries. We have spent the semester exploring the topic of cultural appropriation and representation in music and have selected a variety of pieces that we are excited to share with all of you. Seating will be prioritized for participant families. Contact Anthony Giles at if interested in attending.


HS IB Visual Art & Film Exhibition April 1-30 CC Gallery

Anthony Giles

ISB is very proud to present its annual IB Visual Arts & Film Exhibition on now through April 30th in the CC Gallery. This final exhibition is the culmination of our students’ IB experiences over the past 2 years. They have curated a selection of their artwork showcasing a variety of different media including painting, drawing, photography, digital art, ceramics, and film. Please come by anytime throughout the month to see the masterpieces created by our talented students.

ISB Summer School 2021 – Registration is now open!

Maurilio (Moe) Baron-Toaldo

Our ISB Summer School Office is now open!  Summer School will be held over the four weeks of Monday, June 14 to Friday, July 9 this year. All information about programs, courses, specific dates, fees, and registration process are now available on our website.

Early Bird reduced tuition fees are available until April 30th so register early!

This year with more teachers staying in Thailand during the summer, we have some new and exciting Special Interest Camps on offer in addition to our regulars! Planning on being here this summer, check out what summer school has to offer!

Our Summer School Office is located next to the Admissions Office inside the Central Admin Building with Khun Fon, our Summer School Office Secretary there to greet and assist you 7:00am – 2:45pm Monday to Friday.

For any questions, please email]


Best Regards,

Mr. Maurilio (Moe) Baron-Toaldo

ISB Summer School Director


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