HPV Vaccine

Dhave Setabutr

Vaccinations remain an integral part of health maintenance for all.  As we encourage parents to consult their primary care physician whenever making medical decisions, the ISB Health Center would also like to inform the community regarding the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine. 

Cancer remains a leading cause of death in Thailand and the globe.  Cervical cancer is second only to breast cancer in terms of numbers of affected women each year.  The Ministry of Public Health reports that almost half a million cases of cervical cancer are diagnosed a year in Thailand.

The HPV vaccine and specifically the most recent Gardisil 9 protects girls and boys from various strains of a virus that can cause cancer.  The CDC recommends two doses of the vaccine and it is recommended that children receive the vaccine before exposure to the virus.  The vaccine is safe and side effects are minimal.  If you or your family have any questions regarding this vaccine or others, please feel free to contact the ISB Health Center.  A link related to information regarding the vaccine is listed below.

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