BOT Election 2021 – May 11th

Please note these important election dates and activities:

  • Friday, April 2nd, 2021, 12 noon – Nominations close – Nomination forms must be submitted in both electronic and hard copy by this deadline. Electronic copies must be sent to BOT Secretary Joy Davy at (with your name as the subject), and hard copies must be filed with Khun Oor in the Head of School’s office.
  • Tuesday, May 11th, 2021 – Election, 7:00am – 6:00pm & AGM, 7:00pm

Please contact Rangana Abdulla, Chair, Committee on Trustees, with questions regarding service to the Board: 0908890047 or

Committee on Trustees:

Rangana Abdulla
Mary Ann Morse Banker
Ira Blumenthal
John Heinecke
Andy Richter

ISB Board of Trustees


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