Weekly Message From Principal Allen

Last night, Dr. Josephine Kim worked with more than 100 ISB faculty, staff, parents & students in her session on Growing Global Mindedness live on Zoom.  Thanks go out to the many ES parents who were able to attend!  Dr. Kim addressed the importance of cultural competence & awareness by reminding participants to be aware – and responsive to – differences in how cultures use space, their bodies and how they communicate.  She then focused on implicit bias, reminding viewers that bias is malignant, that racist bias excludes and has justified mistreatment of oppressed peoples for centuries, and that holding privilege means you have the ability not to think about how bias affects your life. 

The highlight was Dr. Kim’s ability to directly and candidly answer hard questions with truth and grace.  She gave us lots to process and think about.  

DEIJ stands for Diversity Equity Inclusion Justice. If you are interested in joining the ISB DEIJ Faculty, Parent, and Student Committee, please email Sarah Fleming to express an interest (<sarahf@isb.ac.th>). 

If you attended Dr. Kim’s session, please join us for the follow up community conversation that we will be having next Thursday, April 1st at 6PM.  You can sign up here or via the QR code below.  I look forward to engaging in conversations with you on Thursday evening on this important topic! 

Your partner in education,
Michael Allen, Ed.D.

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