News from the Counselors

Kevin Callahan

This week we have been checking in with students for academic concerns and monitoring, general well-being, and any course selection questions about next year.  This can be a stressful time for both students and teachers, as the end of the year is a long way off, and lots of obligations are on the table for high school students of every grade.  All students in grades 9-11 took the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) last week and we have been busy checking in with students whose answers indicated that they might need some extra support.  It’s good to be able to check in with students who are struggling and are honest about it.  Our conversations with students are strictly confidential in all cases except where there is concern that a student could harm themself or others, in which case a conversation with at least one parent takes place.

As we reflect on the situations resulting from the Covid pandemic around the world, we counselors are really impressed and heartened by the positive attitudes of the great majority of our students, who truly appreciate the opportunity to attend school “live” and to see their teachers and classmates daily.  We really do have a tremendous group of students and teachers here and it is a pleasure to see their resilience and positivity in the face of the various challenges that the pandemic has imposed upon us.

Students are showing great adaptability and resilience as they tackle the new days that come with so many questions and uncertainties. Some days may be better than others, but we see individuals making the best of the situation and moving forward. Please know that we want you to reach out to us if you have concerns with how your student is handling it all, so we can work together for everybody’s well-being.  Thanks.

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