‘Ideas worth sharing’

Dear Parents,

A highlight of this week in the High School was the TEDx talks given by ten eloquent and thoughtful Grade 11 students in the CCT who shared meaningful, purposeful and sometimes provocative talks designed to raise awareness, pique interest and to have the audience ask themselves questions. Talks covered a wide range of issues that included grit, men’s mental health, toxic behaviours, modern slavery and juvenoia. 

Although we highlighted these ten talks on Wednesday night, every single student in Grade 11 prepared and delivered their TED talks in their classrooms in December before 10 were chosen to represent their class. The process of research, drafting, scripting, preparing and then delivering a short TED Talk in their class is a wonderful learning experience, taking many students out of their comfort zone, whilst teaching them important skills about research, communication and delivery. 

Thank you to our English department for their wonderful efforts to make the 9th annual ISB TEDx talks a memorable one for all that attended. If you missed the talks, you will have an opportunity to view them all in the coming months once the TED organisation approves and releases the videos for all to see. 

Have a wonderful weekend.

Justin Alexander
High School Principal

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