ES e-News for March 26, 2021

Yesterday’s PK Parent Engage & Book Club Launches

Thank you goes out to 20 PreK1/PreK2 parents who participated in yesterday’s Parent Engage session where we shared the core philosophy of our early childhood program and engaged in interactive discussions regarding our 14 Early Childhood Beliefs Cards (linked here).  We also launched the PreK Parent Book Club where parents will gather to read and discuss this shared chapter from NAEYC Developmentally Appropriate Practice: Focus on PreSchoolers. Please email Khun Bee @ if you’d like to be added to the PreK Parent Book Club List! 

Weekly Message From Principal Allen

Last night, Dr. Josephine Kim worked with more than 100 ISB faculty, staff, parents & students in her session on Growing Global Mindedness live on Zoom.  Thanks go out to the many ES parents who were able to attend!  Dr. Kim addressed the importance of cultural competence & awareness by reminding participants to be aware – and responsive to – differences in how cultures use space, their bodies and how they communicate.  She then focused on implicit bias, reminding viewers that bias is malignant, that racist bias excludes and has justified mistreatment of oppressed peoples for centuries, and that holding privilege means you have the ability not to think about how bias affects your life. 

The highlight was Dr. Kim’s ability to directly and candidly answer hard questions with truth and grace.  She gave us lots to process and think about.  

DEIJ stands for Diversity Equity Inclusion Justice. If you are interested in joining the ISB DEIJ Faculty, Parent, and Student Committee, please email Sarah Fleming to express an interest (<>). 

If you attended Dr. Kim’s session, please join us for the follow up community conversation that we will be having next Thursday, April 1st at 6PM.  You can sign up here or via the QR code below.  I look forward to engaging in conversations with you on Thursday evening on this important topic! 

Your partner in education,
Michael Allen, Ed.D.   

Important Panther Park Reminder

We are very excited that the Panther Park now has extended hours until 6PM daily.  ISB has employed a Playground Supervisor who is on site to ensure that all children playing are supervised by an adult.  Parent supervision for ALL children is essential, including those in Grades 3-5.  

Early Dismissal – Tuesday March 30, 2021 

All ISB students will be dismissed at 1:10pm on Tuesday, March 30, 2021. On Early Dismissal Days, school buses will leave ISB at 1:20 p.m.  Early Dismissal Days allow faculty members and administrators to collaborate and further their professional learning.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021 Chakri Day/Professional Day

Tuesday, April 6, 2021 is Chakri Day. No school for students and classified staff. However, it is a professional day for teachers.  Classes resume on Wednesday, April 7, 2021.  It will be an  ‘A’ day.

ISB Summer School 2021 Update

Our ISB Summer School Office is opening next week at the start of April!  Summer School will be held over the four weeks of Monday, June 14 to Friday, July 9 this year. All information about programs, courses, specific dates, fees, and registration process will be available on our website next week Friday!

Great news, fees are the same as they were originally scheduled for Summer School last year including the Early Bird fees until April 30th so register early!

This year with more teachers staying in Thailand during the summer, we have many new and exciting Special Interest Camps on offer in addition to our regulars! Planning on being here this summer, check out next week what summer school has to offer!

Our Summer School Office will be located next to the Admissions Office inside the Central Admin Building where Khun Fon, our Summer School Office Secretary will be there to greet and assist you 7:00am – 2:45pm each day starting next week Friday.

For any questions, please email

Update If You Know you are Leaving ISB

Families who are leaving ISB at the end of the school year are asked to inform the school as soon as possible by sending an email to  This helps us prepare school records for your child and with planning for next year.

ES PK2-Grade 5 PE News

Our swimming units in Physical Education (PE) have begun!  Please see the full ES swim schedule for all classes and sessions.  We have a total of three sessions of swimming dates for Elementary School (PK2-Grade 5). 

If you or your child have any questions about the swimming unit please do not hesitate to contact your child’s PE teacher. 

ES PE Team
Mr. Monte MAJOR <
Ms. Lindsay PERRY <>
Mr. Cameron PERRY <>

Jazz Night II 6:30pm March 30th in the CCT

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, seating will be limited for the March 30th Jazz Night II event in the CC Theater with a priority given to participant families. Contact for more information.

PAW PRINTS: News from the Panther Den

Panther Paws Track & Field Registration Opens April 2nd  Due to PowerSchool access being shut down May 31-April 1, Panther Paws Track and Field registration on CHQ has been postponed to April 2nd. With limited spots available for children in Pre-K through Grade 5, registrations will be honored on a first come first served basis. The meets are scheduled Fridays, April 23, 30, May 7 and 14 with PreK-G2 from 5-6:30pm and G3-G5 from 5:00-7pm. As this is a community activity, parents (not helpers) are encouraged to volunteer. Cost is  THB 1,200 which includes a t-shirt and end of season celebration. Questions? Contact

Panther ES Explore 

We are half way through our Panther (ES) Explore Program. Most of the ES Explore classes have already hosted their 5th session.

Please note that Tuesday, March 30th is an early dismissal day. All ES Explore classes will run one hour earlier 1:25-2:25. 

Livnat Ziskinder
Panther Explore Coordinator

Athletic News

NEW: ES Girls Soccer club (Grade 1-5)

ISB is starting a NEW ES girls soccer club for girls from grade 1-5, from 19th April – 1st June. This program is free of charge. 

We will be running a Grade 1-3 (Introduction to Soccer) group with coach Micah, and a Grade 3-5 (U11) group with coach Ahmed. 

Practice days: 
Monday & Wednesday 2:30-3:30 on Field D

Please register your daughter by Friday 9th April if you want her to participate.
ES Girls Soccer registration 

If you have any questions, please contact the coaches: Micah ( ), Ahmed ( ).

Upcoming Events
Thursday 1st April: U11 Track & Field meet at ISB

Booster Hut Volunteers Needed

Hello Hut Volunteers! It’s been a great month so far. Thank you! We have new products and have welcomed a few new faces! Please continue to spread the word that we are looking for volunteers. Every bit of help is welcome.                  

Use the link to sign up for the month of April. Thank you for your consideration.

ES Cafeteria Menu 

Please find the ES Cafeteria menu for next week linked here. Here is the menu for Kindergarten and here is the menu for Pre-Kindergarten.

(Repeat) eNews Guidelines
Shelley Bragg

ISB eNewsletters provide a valuable avenue for communication within the ISB parent community. For your convenience we have provided you with our eNewsletter guidelines below.

Submitting an announcement for publication
ISB accepts announcements from ISB families for potential publication in our eNewsletters. The announcements are generally intended to highlight events that occur at ISB and/or highlight information about ISB.

What to include in the announcement

  • A title for your announcement
  • An image
  • An email contact for further information

Where to submit your announcement is for announcements of interest to the entire ISB community. is for Elementary School (ES) announcements of interest to ES families. is for Middle School (MS) announcements of interest to MS families. is for High School (HS) announcements of interest to HS families.

Your announcement will be submitted to the appropriate Principal and/or to our Director of Marketing and Communications for review. ISB reserves the right to determine which announcements will and will not be published, and to edit announcements that are approved for publication.

(Repeat) PARENT ACTION REQUIRED: Student Tracking Locations

Even during VS, all ES parents are required to login to Powerschool and update their journal for the week, listing locations visited outside school hours.  All schools in Thailand are required by the Ministry of Education to have their students/parents keep and complete a daily journal of their whereabouts after school hours.  

Logging into Powerschool, you will see a notification to update the Journal:

Each Sunday, complete the journal for the preceding week for each ES child. If you are having trouble accessing Powerschool or are unable to see your students in Powerschool,  email ES Powerschool Secretary, Khun Tom <>

Calendar of Events
March/April 2021

Mar. 29-Apr. 2 Grade 4 Barge Trip
Mar. 30 1:10 pm Early Dismissal
Mar. 31 Board of Trustees Meeting 6:00 pm (MPB3)
Apr. 6 Chakri Day: Professional Day (No School for Students and Classified Staff)
April. 8-9 ES ‘Out of School Uniform’ Day
Apr. 9 ES Songkran Assembly (Students only) @ Chevron
Apr. 12-16 Spring Holiday (No School)
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