Fun Field Trips!

Fun Ko Kret Trip
Don’t miss this fun field trip to Ko Kret with the
Welcome Wai team!!
  • Venue: A nice riverside restaurant  known as Rongsi Studio (with air conditioner)
  • Date: Thursday April 8th, 10:15am – 2:00pm
  • Transportation: Bus to and from ISB (Meet and dismiss in front of Panther at ISB)
Please save the date!! More details to follow next week.

Mayuko Mibu and Yukiko Oguchi

EWC Day Trip! April 7th, 2021

SAVE THE DATE to see ISB’s fabulous Environment Wilderness Campus.

We hope to be back before school is out but can’t guarantee that, so you will need to make arrangements for pick up.

More details to follow next week.


PTA Team


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