CNN’s My Freedom Day event hosted by Traffic Jam 

Anthony Giles

MS and HS Lunches, March 16th Outdoor Stage

Traffic Jam is a HS service club whose mission is to raise awareness and educate people about human trafficking in Thailand. Both sex and labour trafficking are, unfortunately, extremely common in Thailand. 9 out of 1000 people in Thailand are slaves. It is estimated that 610,000 people in Thailand are the victims of trafficking. The 16th of March marks the CNN #MyFreedomDay campaign. This is a student-driven event around the world designed to raise awareness about modern slavery. To support #MyFreedomDay, during MS and HS lunch at the outdoor stage, ISB will be hosting an acoustic performance by ISB alumni and professional singers Alex Sypsomos, Nikki Glucksman, and Jace Payackapan. Alongside these guest artists will be 2 extremely knowledgeable guest speakers here to tell us how they are working to end human trafficking, and how we can help. Please join us!!!

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