Weekly Message From Principal Allen

In this week’s eNews you’ll see that we have shared the link to the feedback form parents are invited to complete regarding their child’s classroom placement for the next school year.  This is a great opportunity for you to share any additional information about your child that your child’s classroom teacher or counselor may not know.

Parents typically don’t complete the form as they feel that the teachers and counselors have all the needed information to set their child up for success, however if you are considering sharing feedback about your child with the classroom placement team, I encourage you to read the detailed letter that accompanies the form carefully as well as take a look at this short article for some advice about what you may want to include. The author’s suggestions align with the ISB expectation that parents not mention specific teacher names, and makes the following suggestions:

  • write about your child’s strengths – academic and social – that the teacher or counselor may not be aware of. 
  • write about any concerns for your child that you haven’t had an opportunity to discuss with the teacher just yet. Include any details about special needs or personality traits that may need extra attention.

On behalf of the classroom placement teams, we look forward to learning more about your child through this parent feedback process! 

Your partner in education,
Michael Allen, Ed.D.

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