Student Led Conferences – Learning more

by Dennis Harter, MS Principal

On Thursday morning, Cindy and I hosted a parent webinar on our upcoming Student-Led Conferences (SLCs), scheduled for March 11 & 12. In the webinar, we explained what SLCs are and why our school would shift to this format. The webinar was recorded for those who could not attend. The information to view the webinar is below – please note the passcode provided will be needed in order to view the session. 

A link for sign-ups for the MS Student-Led Conferences will be sent out on Wednesday after the February break in coordination with Elementary and High School sign-ups as well.

(we had some technical difficulty during the presentation, which you will encounter at the 19:00 mark. It kept recording during the technical difficulty, so once you see it freeze you can skip ahead to 21:37, unless you want to watch us troubleshoot. You can also jump to 26:00 to avoid some repetition.)


Topic: MS Student Led Conferences
Start Time : Feb 18, 2021 08:18 AM

Meeting Recording:

Access Passcode: bu7iA#q5


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