New from HS Counselors

Jackie Valenzuela

All high school students completed their course registrations for next school year this week.  

Schedule changes this semester can only be made for the following reasons and by the following dates:

  1. If a teacher recommends a level change due to misplacement (i.e. Extended Math to Core Math, Spanish III to Spanish II), a change can be made with parent, counselor and administrative approval. The original class will not appear on the transcript. Deadline was Friday, February 12.
  2. Between the 5th and 10th week of a course, if a student needs to move down a level, the dropped course will be listed on the transcript with a WP (Withdraw Pass) or WF (Withdraw Fail). The WP or WF grade is not included in the calculation of GPA nor is credit granted. The grade calculated in the new course will only include work completed for the new course. Deadline is Friday, March 19.
  3. No level changes after March 19.

Wishing your family a restful and fun February Break!

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