Kitti Narod Visiting Artist @ISB

Anthony Giles

In November and December 2020 elementary, middle, and high school art students worked with world renown artist, K. Kitti Narod, exploring themes of public spaces, groups and gatherings with his signature loose figures. This exhibition highlights the students’ joyful experiences with K. Kitti and his light, playful approach to his work. The works developed over his visit highlight some of the seemingly mundane aspects of daily life, those moments that provide the essential elements of connection, humor, wellness, and love. The focus of the work is apt with the current state of the world and the limits placed upon our interactions, communal gatherings, and movements. 

Students considered questions such as… who has access to public spaces? What do public spaces provide for a community? A society? How do they reflect what a society values? 

What are moments in my day that provide me with comfort? What makes me happy? Who do I love and want to surround myself with? 

Visit Chevron Gallery to share in this experience!

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