High School Principal’s Forum

Selma Benmoussa & Dhooleka Raj
Co-Chairs, on behalf of the HS’s PF Parent Committee

High School Principal’s  Forum – Term 2 – March 18 : Call for questions

All HS parents are welcome to submit questions via Spring 2021 – HS Principal’s Forum – Questions from Parents – Intake Form Please note: closing date for question submissions is March 10th. All questions are presented anonymously to the HS Admin and during the PF meeting. 

SAVE THE DATE: High School Principal’s  Forum – Term 2 – March 18th  
All HS parents welcome to attend, sign up details for the session will be shared by HS closer to the date.  The meeting will be led by HS Principal Justin Alexander with Dean of Students – Andy Vaughan and Dean of Academics – Justyna MacMillian & other HS Team members to address questions raised by parents.

The HS Principal’s Forum is a channel of communication between HS parents and the HS administration. It is a platform that allows all HS parents to bring forward any questions, suggestions, or concerns to the Forum’s parent committee. The PF committee is composed of parents of 9th/10th/11th & 12th-grade students. Their role is to gather parent questions, help to process questions by theme/grade level, and present parent concerns to the HS team.

All questions are shared anonymously with the HS Admin team. If you would like a member of the PF to follow up on your query, there is an option of sharing your email ID (in case a question is not addressed during the Forum). For those who would like to avail of this, please share your Email ID in the form. The primary purpose of collecting your email is for a Principal Forum committee member to provide an answer directly to you if your concern/question is easily answered by email, or is not able to be included in the HS Principal Forum Meeting.  All queries are shared anonymously with the HS team. 

As always, if there are time-sensitive questions and individual concerns, please reach out directly to the teachers, counsellors, HS principal’s office and admin team. They are always your first port of call and will be happy to assist and support you.

Please feel free to be in touch with us if you have any questions, or would like to understand more about the HS PF process.

With kind regards,

Selma Benmoussa & Dhooleka Raj
Co-Chairs, on behalf of the HS’s PF Parent Committee

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