Weekly Message From Principal Allen

Ms. Fleming, Mr. Scott, and I thoroughly enjoy our time visiting classrooms and seeing the students’ learning in action!  Our current round of classroom visits have been focusing on having learning conversations with students.  We’re asking students what they are learning, why they are learning it, and/or whether this learning is easy, hard or just right learning, and how they know.  Following the visit, we do our best to have a face to face reflective conversation with the teacher(s) where we share what students said, and what implications might be for next steps.  

This past week I had the opportunity to connect with students during their PE lessons and Grade 1 Maker Space session.  In addition our Director of Student Services, Dr. Keith Collins, and I spoke with a variety of students during their EAL and learning support sessions.  In all cases, students have been skillful at articulating their learning and sharing their successes.

I encourage you to discuss and celebrate your child’s learning at home.  Some of the questions that may help you as you inquire at home include the following:

  • what did you learn at school today?
  • why do you think you are learning about that?
  • was today’s learning easy, hard or just right for you? 

Go ahead and try out these questions with your child…I’d love to hear what they share with you! 

Your partner in education,
Michael Allen, Ed.D.

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