News from the College Office

Sonya Ohlsson

Please keep updating your Cialfo with admissions decisions. 

Right around now, Early Decision II (EDII) results are getting to students. If your seniors had been admitted EDII, they must immediately withdraw all other applications from consideration if they have not received a result. If they have a result from another school, they can inform that school that they appreciate the offer, but will be attending another institution–this opens up a spot for someone else. Failure to withdraw from the remaining schools (worldwide), can result in your EDII offer of admission being rescinded. 

Please keep working on your presentation for the Junior-Led Conference. And, talk with your parents to plan that appointment for February or early March. DO NOT WAIT.

Junior College Seminar #6 is next week on February 19, first block of the day. This will be an important session about essay writing for all types of application essays. Students need to bring their laptops all charged and ready to go!

The college counselors held small group meetings with the 10th graders this week to talk about course options and how they may relate to possible areas of study for college in various countries. We encourage students to keep asking questions, not just of us, but also their teachers to find the courses that suit them, their future plans, and their ability and enjoyment; keep love of learning at the center of the process.

The deadline to register for the March 13 SAT is TODAY!!! There is no stand-by or waitlist option if you miss the deadline (even if the website makes it seem that way–kids have learned this the hard way!).

ISB Virtual University Visits Next Week:
17 February–St. George University (Grenada)–School of Medicine 11:15AM

For more information on all virtual visits (how to register and join in on a call) as well as links to other resources, please look here:

~Sonya Ohlsson
Head of College Counseling

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