WASC Updates

Dear ISB Community,

ISB has been accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), based in California, for a number of decades. An accreditation cycle is typically six years.

In previous communications, we shared information about the WASC accreditation with links to the summary of strengths and areas of growth that were identified through the ISB self-study process.  We are now able to share a summary of the findings of the WASC Visiting Team.  You will be able to see the summary linked in Parent Portal.  

The visiting team was on campus from November 20th through the 25th.  Our two onsite visitors spent their time visiting classrooms, talking with groups of students, teachers, parents, classified staff, and administrators.  They, along with four team members working remotely, reviewed our self-study, aligned documents and perceptions from meetings, and created a final report outlining the areas of strength and Key Issues for future growth.

The commendations (areas of strength) were numerous and the recommendations (areas for growth) for the school were in line with what we had identified as areas for growth in our Self-Study.

Copies of the visiting team’s full report are available for our community to review through the division and Head of School offices.  If you would like to see the complete report, please contact either the division principals or Debi Caskey, Deputy Head of School for Learning.

Many thanks go out to the ISB faculty and staff, students, and parents who met with the visiting team.  This is a process that only helps us all grow and do even better things for our learners.  If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me.

All the best,




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