Emergency Dismissal COVID-19

Dear ISB Community, 

We have been preparing for the possibility of an emergency evacuation of the ISB campus should we learn of a confirmed COVID-19 case within our community during the school day. We hope this won’t be needed, but it is best to be prepared.

If the decision is made to close school early due to a COVID case in the community, parents will receive both an email and SMS from the school asking them to come to campus to collect their children. 

However, parents may give permission for MS and HS students to make their way home independently, and for older siblings (MS/HS) to escort ES age students home. For safety reasons, elementary students will not be released alone. Parents may also designate “guardians” to collect their children. 

To minimize confusion and facilitate student dismissal, these permissions need to be decided and communicated with ISB before an evacuation is necessary.  

 Please note that we will not be running a bus service in this instance for physical distancing reasons.

It is important that parents complete the permission form linked here in Powerschool. Instructions can be found below and a short video tutorial can be accessed here.


  1. Log in to your Powerschool Parent Portal, click here.
  2. For each of your students click the link called “Emergency Dismissal”
  3. Choose the option that best suits your child.
  4. For Technical Support please contact help@isb.ac.th

It is important that, whichever option parents choose for their children, you talk about it frequently and let your child(ren) know what you want them to do if school closes early.

If anyone has any questions or suggestions, please contact any of us below.

Kind regards.

Dr Andrew Davies, Head of School 

Andy Davies (Head of School) andrewd@isb.ac.th
Dhave Setabutr, M.D., (Health Coordinator) dhaves@isb.ac.th
Usa Somboon (Headmistress) usomboon@isb.ac.th
Mark Hevland (Director of Risk Management) markh@isb.ac.th
Debi Caskey (Deputy Head of School for Learning) debic@isb.ac.th
Marc de Vries (Deputy Head of School/CFO) marcd@isb.ac.th
Justin Alexander (HS Principal) justina@isb.ac.th
Dennis Harter (MS Principal) dennish@isb.ac.th
Michael Allen (ES Principal) michaela@isb.ac.th

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