Student-Led Conferences in March
by Dennis Harter, MS Principal
We are excited this semester to host Student-led Conferences (SLC) on March 11 & 12. This conference format places the student front and center of their learning as they take parents through their learning progress, their portfolio of work, and their goals moving forward. SLCs empower the student to understand themselves as learners and articulate the successes and struggles they’ve had throughout the year to that point.
“At ISB, we develop learners who will be passionate, reflective learners.” (ISB Mission, 2nd point)
Over the next few weeks, ahead of hosting these conferences, all students will be curating their work and reflecting upon their learning throughout. Students may select work from earlier in the year and more recently to compare and demonstrate their growth. Alternatively, they may select recent work that they are particularly proud of. Through the process, students reflect upon their Habits and Attitudes for Learning (HAL) alongside their work and growth. Each teacher will have input into students’ reflections through discussions with students during class as students prepare and curate.
“Schools that implement student-led conferences report that they:
– Encourage students to take responsibility and ownership for their learning by involving them in the goal-setting and assessment process.
– Engage families in richer, more transparent conversations about student progress.” (Ashley Cronin, Edutopia, 2016)
Becoming a passionate, reflective learner does not happen by chance. Students must be provided opportunities to reflect upon their learning, consider themselves as a learner, articulate their understanding, and set goals for learning improvement. SLCs are best practice for this, particularly at this stage of development, which is why they are so frequently used in top middle schools around the world.
All ISB MS students will engage in the process of reflection and curation in classes to prepare for the SLCs in mid-March. Advisors will help guide students toward preparing their overall reflection along with the talking points or script for when they host the SLC. In the event that a parent is unable to attend the conferences on the day, we will ensure that students have an adult with whom to present their learning (e.g. teacher, administrator, or counselor), either on a conference day or some time after school, so that all students have this learning opportunity and grow in this empowerment.
Parents will be invited to attend their child’s Student-Led Conference at school with an appointment on either March 11 or 12, hosted by the Advisor. Sign-up information will be provided in the weeks to come.
Concerns about a popular app
by Dennis Harter, MS Principal
“Discord” is a popular chat application among adolescents and in particular gamers. The app can be installed on the computer or smart device and is often used to bring communities with similar interests together like gaming, art, etc.
Unfortunately, as its use has grown, in some cases, conversations have become inappropriate and ugly. This is not uncommon the more used a platform becomes. At ISB we have blocked the use of this site and access to it using our network. We do not feel it has any educational benefits or uses for learning at ISB.
We encourage you to talk with your child(ren) about whether they use the app and if so, who they are interacting with in that environment. They may even show you examples of their chats. Ultimately, at home, you can decide if these interactions fit within your expectations and family values.

(image from internet, not ISB-related)
Yearbook photos next week
KidsFoto will be on campus next week to take Yearbook photos of our new students on Feb 10 & 11 (Weds. and Thurs.). Photos were taken already for all students here during first semester. Proofs from these photos are made available to families in case you want to order copies for yourself.
If your child would like to retake their photo because they didn’t like the one from first semester, they may also sign up for a time, by informing Khun Roong in the MS Office before Wednesday.
Parent feedback on Virtual School
We are happy to have students back on campus, after 3 weeks of Virtual School to start the semester. While we prefer on campus learning, we are generally pleased at how Virtual School went and how seamlessly students and teachers shifted into this learning platform, given the short notice and timing.
Of course, there is always room for feedback and improvement. As such we invite MS parents to complete this feedback form about how the Virtual School experience was for your MS child(ren). Thank you for your input so that we can continue to improve our school. We will also be surveying students and faculty in the coming week.
ISB Bangkok Based Athletics for 2021-22 and Beyond
By Dr. Andrew Davies, Head of School
Dear ISB Community,
As a school, we are dedicated to providing our students with opportunities to lead healthy, active, and balanced lives. Our athletics programs are essential to this mission.
In order to provide the best programs and opportunities for our students, ISB (in partnership with NIST and Bangkok Patana School) will be leading the development of a new international schools athletics organization in Bangkok starting in the 2021/2022 school year.
This means that ISB will be moving away from BISAC after this school year along with NIST and BPS so that our students can have greater flexibility to design a local program that better meets the needs of all our student-athletes. This change will also enable us to plan our seasons to complement our commitment to IASAS. Please note that ISB sports teams will still play against a number of other schools in Bangkok (friendlies and tournaments) going forward.
We continue to be committed to BISAC in season 3 this year and we look forward to resuming competitions in March as covid restrictions allow.
Further information about this new project will be shared towards the end of the school year. Our aim is to continue to develop our programs and help our student-athletes realize their full potential.
ISB Middle School Art: Expressive Color Installation
Last semester middle school artists explored how color can express emotions, intentions, hopes, and memories. The Expressive Color Installation will be up outside the Main Library through April. Take time to visit it when you can, to see their personal and creative responses.
MS Athletics Upcoming Events
Monday 8th of February – U13 – U15 season two sports celebration (4:30-5:00)
Thursday 11th of February – JV and Varsity Season Two Awards (3:30-5:30)
Monday 15th – Friday 19th of February – ALL Season Three Tryouts U11 – Varsity
Season Two – Sports Celebration
The ISB Booster Club and the Athletics Department cordially invites all athletes and coaches to attend the 2nd Season U13 and U15 Sports Celebration on Monday 8 February in the Chevron Theater
The event celebrates the accomplishments of our teams, honors our Panther tradition, and recognizes the outstanding athletic achievements of our students. Athletes from our U13 and U15 teams are required to attend. Due to COVID 19 restrictions we cannot invite parents and family this season, but you can follow the event online by joining the webinar
You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Feb 8, 2021 05:00 PM Bangkok
Topic: U13 and U15 Sports Celebration
Register in advance for this webinar:
The event will commence at 4:30pm with a classroom session for all the teams to end the season with their coaches. Teams will break off to different rooms to recognize their individual athletes and celebrate the highlights of their season.
Season Two Awards – Varsity and Junior Varsity
The ISB Booster Club and the Athletics Department cordially invites all athletes and coaches to attend the Season Two Varsity and Junior Varsity Sports Awards on Thursday the 11th of February in the Chevron Theater
This event celebrates the accomplishments of our teams, honors our Panther traditions, and recognizes the outstanding athletic achievements of our students. All athletes from our Varsity and Junior Varsity teams are required to attend. Due to COVID 19 restrictions we cannot invite parents and family this season, but you can follow the event online by joining the webinar – link to be shared directly with families.
Parents of Seniors: Parents of Seniors will be invited to attend the presentation of awards in the Chevron. A separate email, to parents, will be sent on before the event with instructions on how to gain access.
Webinar: The awards, in the Chevron only, will be streamed. The link will be shared with all Season two families by Wednesday the 10th of February.
3:30pm – 4:30pm
Varsity Teams – Chevron – for presentation of awards
Junior Varsity Teams – Team Rooms – individual team celebrations
4:30pm – 5:30pm
Varsity Teams – Team Rooms – individual team celebrations
Junior Varsity Teams – Chevron – for presentation of awards
Registration for ISB Athletics Season 3 (Opens on Friday 5th February)
All students interested in the ISB Season 3 Athletics programs are able to register on CHQ from Friday the 5th of February until Sunday the 14th of February. Please log in to your child’s powerschool, click Activities/Athletics (on the left Bar) and then you’ll be able to see your child’s options for ISB Athletics. – If you have problems registering, please check the CHQ registration instructions.
All tryouts will be held between Monday the 15th – Friday the 19th of February. For details and practice schedules, please visit the ISB Athletics website (
Under 13 – Boys and Girls – Volleyball
Under 13 – Boys and Girls – Track and Field
Under 13 – Boys and Girls – Tennis
Under 13 – Girls – Softball
Under 15 – Boys and Girls – Volleyball
Under 15 – Boys and Girls – Track and Field
Junior Varsity – Grade 8 through Grade 12
Junior Varsity – Boys and Girls – Track and Field
Junior Varsity – Boys and Girls – Badminton
Junior Varsity – Boys – Baseball
Junior Varsity – Girls – Softball
Invitation to the Celebration of Chinese New Year
The Chinese PTA is honored to host the Art Exhibition to celebrate the coming Chinese New Year, the Year of the Ox, from Feb 10th to 16th at the fence of the ISB campus. All the pictures are completed by ISB students of Chinese origin from PreK1 to G11. On the day of Spring Festival Feb 12th, 600 cups of homemade boba will be offered to MS & HS students and teachers for free at the cafeteria, welcoming good luck to the whole coming year! Please join us to embrace the lush, rich and thriving Spring!
Panther Explore Registration Extended
Dear Parents,
The online registration system will remain open until Friday at 3pm. Please note that once the registration is closed, it will not be possible to enroll in Panther (ES) Explore.
For Registration online, please click HERE or follow the instructions below:
- Please log in to your child’s powerschool, click Activities/Athletics (on the left Bar) and then you’ll be able to see your child’s options for Panther (ES) Explore.
- Please make your selections by entering your preference (1 is your first choice, 2 in case you have a second choice).
During the registration period, you’ll be able to make unlimited changes by logging in to Activities on your child’s powerschool.
If you have forgotten your user name or password, there is a link on the page to retrieve it. Alternatively, parents can contact Khun Tom:
Livnat Ziskinder
Panther Explore Coordinator
PAW PRINTS: News from the Panther Den
Note that campus will be closed for all activities during the upcoming mid-winter break, February 20-28.
The What, When and Where about Panther Activities
Panther Activities at ISB is the umbrella organization for a multitude of programs offered after school and on weekends that provide active, creative, diverse and collaborative opportunities for all students. Different from scholastic programs which are offered exclusively to ISB students as an extension of their enrollment, most Panther Activities include a fee and are open to both ISB and non-ISB students. Although some Panther Activities sessions align with the three ISB Athletic seasons which start in August, October, and February respectively, many are offered year round with two registration periods, August and January, in line with the start of each of ISB’s academic semesters. Although sometimes daunting to navigate, the plethora of choices available at ISB, coupled with multiple entry points to join throughout the year, allow students to dabble, dive deep, or diversify!
Panther Activities Sessions 2020-2021
Semester 1: August, 2020 through December, 2020
Panther Arts, Panther Dance, Panther Golf, Panther Gymnastics, Panther Music, Panther Native Language Academy, Panther Soccer, and Panther Swim
Semester 2: January, 2021 through June, 2021
Panther Arts, Panther Dance, Panther Golf, Panther Gymnastics, Panther Music, Panther Native Language Academy, Panther Soccer, and Panther Swim
Season 1: August, 2020 through Mid-October, 2020
Panther Basketball, Panther Rugby, Panther Tennis, and Panther Volleyball
Season 2: Mid-October, 2020 through February, 2021
BBSA, Panther Basketball, Panther Rugby, Panther Tennis, and Panther Volleyball
Season 3: March, 2021 through April, 2021
Panther Basketball, Panther Rugby, Panther Tennis, and Panther Volleyball
Semester 2 Panther Activities
Semester 2 Panther Activities including Panther Arts, Panther Dance, Panther Golf, Panther Gymnastics, Panther Music, Panther Native Language Academy, Panther Soccer, and Panther Swim begin Monday, February 8 with late registrations still being accepted through area coordinators.
Panther Explore* registration closes on February 5th for a February 15th start. Questions? Contact the Panther Activities Team at or any of the area coordinators listed below.
Panther Arts (
Panther Dance (ASD) (
Panther Explore (ES) (
Panther Golf (
Panther Gymnastics (
Panther Music (IMP) (
Panther Native Language Academy (PantherNativeLanguageAcademy@ ) -
Panther Soccer (PFA) (
Panther Swim (
Season 3 Panther Activities
Season 2 Panther Activities including BBSA, Panther Basketball, Panther Rugby, Panther Tennis, and Panther Volleyball, will wrap up over the next couple of weeks, with registration for Season 3 offerings open February 12-19, for a March 1st start.
Again, if you have questions, please contact the Panther Activities Team at or any of the area coordinators for these programs listed below.
Panther Baseball & Softball (PantherBaseballandSoftball@ ) -
Panther Basketball (TopFlight) (
Panther Paws (Track & Field) (
Panther Rugby (Academy) (
Panther Volleyball (BVA) (
From all of us on the Panther Activities Team, we miss your kids and can’t wait to see them doing the things they love to do next week!!!