‘Face to Face’

Dear Parents,

We have just enjoyed our first week of ‘face to face’ learning with all students on campus and interacting and learning with their teachers in person. Whilst the later start of virtual school is certainly appreciated by High School students who struggle to get out of bed in the morning, it really is great to have students and teachers back on campus. 

We are continuing to remind our students about the importance of handwashing, mask wearing and maintaining appropriate social distancing at school and we appreciate your support at home on this as well. Although hopeful that we do not experience another school closure and online learning this semester, we do need to be prepared in case we face that situation again. To help us with making any necessary adjustments or improvements for virtual school in the High School, we would like to collect some input and feedback from parents (and students) about the recent three week period of virtual school. Please click HERE to take this short survey. 

Have a wonderful weekend, stay safe and stay well.
Justin Alexander
High School Principal

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