ISB Health Center: Sick Policy for Reopening

Please take note of the important sick policy from the ISB Health Clinic.

Sick Policy

  1. Students, faculty, parents, and staff are requested to refrain from returning to campus if ill.  Those with upper respiratory tract infections (URI) with the following symptoms (fever (37.5C), runny nose, nasal stuffiness, lack of smell or taste, body aches, cough, or difficulty breathing) are recommended to seek medical evaluation. All individuals returning to campus (with URI symptoms) will require a medical certificate upon return to school stating a diagnosis and a recommended date for return to school by their physician.  
  2. Those who have been ill must be symptom free without use of symptomatic reduction medication for 48 hours prior to returning to campus. Examples of medication include anti-cough (anti-tussives), fever reducing medication, or medicine such as decongestants.
  3. Students previously diagnosed with Allergies (having symptoms such as runny nose, nasal stuffiness, watery eyes, itchiness, and sneezing) are recommended to continue routine treatment that they undertake. If symptoms change from what they normally experience, we encourage students to undergo medical evaluation and provide a medical certificate as indicated above.
  4. Siblings (or other family members) of sick students are encouraged to isolate themselves from the ill individual in the best way possible. Those without symptoms who can self-isolate are eligible to return to campus without a medical certificate.

By: Dhave Setabutr, M.D. , ISB Health Coordinator

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