Weekly Message from Dr.Michael Allen

Thank you again for your support and partnership during virtual school these past two weeks!  An important aspect of our plan is checking in with you about your family’s virtual school experience. Teachers will be contacting you this week to learn more about your child’s virtual school experience, problem-solve any issues that might be coming up, and collect feedback that may inform future virtual school enhancements.  

Several of you have shared feedback with me directly as well.  In regards to schoolwide virtual school enhancements, so far, some parents have shared that they would appreciate a common ES lunch time to support families with multiple children and a few have shared that they would like to see more live Zoom sessions with our Art, Music and PE specialists.  Aside from those two areas, all other feedback has been very positive; parents have shared that their children are continuing to learn and have appreciated the efforts of their child’s teachers. Much like the feedback gathered in May 2020, your positive and constructive feedback will be taken into consideration as we adjust and refine our virtual school plans moving forward.

We are hopeful that next week will be our last week of Virtual School, but of course are prepared if we need to continue learning progress in this form. On behalf of the school administration, I do want to publicly share our appreciation for the work our teachers, counselors, and staff are doing to ensure learning progress for your children.

Thank you in advance for connecting with your child’s teacher this week and your ongoing partnership

Your partner in education,
Michael Allen, Ed.D.

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