Week 2 – Engagement continues

by Dennis Harter, MS Principal

As we complete our second week of Virtual School, I continue to be impressed and appreciative of the dedication, engagement, and focus of our students and faculty. The dedicated class times on Zoom have been full of interaction and learning activities. Teachers have shared that students are well-engaged and in good spirits.

Thank you to parents who have supported their children at home in setting up good learning environments and keeping them on task and focused. Equally important, we appreciate families efforts in keeping their children active and off of the computers for significant time after school hours. It’s hard to maintain balance during times like this and adolescents often need adults to help require it for their own benefit.

We are hopeful that next week will be our last week of Virtual School, but of course are prepared if we need to continue learning progress in this form. On behalf of the school administration, I do want to publicly share our appreciation for the work our teachers, counselors, and staff are doing to ensure learning progress for your children. Like your children, they inspire me daily.

We wish our MS community well. Enjoy your weekends and rest breaks. Enjoy your family time as best you can. We join Thailand in wearing our masks, washing our hands, and keeping a safe physical distance when out in public, so that we may return back to school on campus soon.

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