Strengths Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ)

Dear Parent Community,

A few weeks ago, students in grades 6-12 completed the Strengths Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ).  The SDQ provides a better understanding of the social, emotional, and behavioral needs of our students at both the individual and school levels.  A lot has happened in the world since we last administered the SDQ 12 months ago, and we wanted to provide an update regarding the results from the most recent administration of the SDQ.  

Fortunately, our students have shown great adaptability. Although there were some minor shifts in the data, the comprehensive data indicated little change within our student population and that our students are doing well based on this social-emotional screener.  Student conduct and social skills continue to be the strengths of our students.  Meanwhile, we are committed to continuing to support the areas of emotional and peer development.    

Anecdotal evidence collected during interviews and conversations with students indicates that students are finding challenges in developing new friendships this year, particularly students new to ISB.  Topics that came up in these conversations with our new students were often related to measures in place due to COVID-19, such as reduced opportunities to work in groups, starting school virtually, difficulties socializing with masks, and physical distancing.  

As always, the social/emotional health of our students is a priority at ISB.  The SDQ is one tool used to help us target our support for students, but like all assessments, it is not 100% perfect.  We all respond to stress in different ways and at different times.  If you ever have a concern about your child’s social/emotional wellness, please contact their school counselor. 

Keith Collins, EdD
Direct of Student Services.

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