Chris Bell
Next week is the International Week of Computer Science. This year’s theme is Social Injustice which is really exciting. To celebrate the week, Tech Council is offering ‘Come Learn About Coding’ at lunch every day in the Library Green Room. Each day a different coding language will be explored. These sessions will be taught by Tech Council members which should make them fun and interesting for students. Our hope is that we start the conversations about coding in High School and get some interest developed.
- Tuesday: Python and Machine Learning with Mimi
- Wednesday: HTML and CSS with Tyme
- Thursday: App Design with Sorn
- Friday: C# with Narai
Also next week in the Main Library we are hosting the Grade 9 students and their work from English in creating ‘The School of the Future’. This is an amazing piece of work that included research, persuasiveness, different forms of media, and presentation. Student work will be up in the library from 16-18. Presentations will also occur as classes come and go. Students will be making their pitches to their peers and school Administrators will be walking judging the ideas and projects for possible implementation. Come join in the fun!
I have to admit, this is a great movie, the book is too! They are very different. In thinking about the vaccine for COVID, I thought I would re-read this one and I was not disappointed. It is so realistic and believable that it almost feels like it could happen. It is violent and intense, but maybe the most interesting thing is that it is told as if it already happened and people are recounting the events as they happened. Need a scary? Get this one.
Tired of having your videos interrupted by some crazy ad that doesn’t even appeal to you? Try AdBlock for Youtube. It works really easily and as long as you are viewing Youtube through Google Chrome it works really well. Simply add this extension and restart Chrome and you are good to go!