Tech at Home Session

Dear All

We are happy to announce that we will be offering a series of informational sessions for parents to help ensure that your tech needs are met at school and at home.  The session topics are based on a culmination of feedback from principals, parents, teachers, and students.  However, we are open to other ideas and willing to consider other suggestions.  Our first training is focused on Tech at Home. 

DATE: Dec. 3, 2020

TIME: 9:30 – 10:30 am

LOCATION: ISB Main Library

AUDIENCE: MS and HS Parents

PRESENTERS: Chris C., MS Tech Coordinator and Chris B. HS Librarian and Tech Coordinator

Even before COVID we all had homework or projects that needed to be done at home. Now it is even more important to have established routines and workspaces.  Having a workspace and tech tools set up for success is something we can all do to improve performance, comfort, and output.  Bring your questions and concerns as there will be a Q and A session at the end. Training will include information and resources on:

  • Establishing Routines for work, and breaks
  • Effective Workspaces
  • Healthy Environments
  • Tech Tools

Christopher Bell

High School Technology Coordinator and Librarian +66 963-58900 ext 1193

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