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MS Art students inspired by Warhol exhibition

This week, Middle School art students took a field trip into Bangkok to visit the Andy Warhol: Pop Art exhibit at River City. Students were inspired by the over 120 original pieces of work, representing a wide range of Warhol’s collection, all produced in the 1960s. 

Our Arts program places strong emphasis on process and our students have come away from this field trip inspired and motivated to engage more deeply in their own creative process as we finish off the year. 

Students reflected on their experience using the protocol “I used to thing … , now I think …” to reflect on how they grew and learned seeing the exhibit of this well-known artist. Here are just a small sample of their takeaways:

I used to think art was for only some people but now I know it’s for everyone.”

“Before this trip, I thought art was anything that you can mark on the paper. But now I think art is way more complex than that. Of course, you can make any type of art of your own free will, but I think to make it have a story, you need lots of time, and it takes a long process. This trip made it very clear that you can choose what type of art you love most, and to stick to that one main idea to make many different stories just like what Andy Warhol, Hilma Af Clint, and Ai Wei Wei did.”

I used to think that going and seeing art was boring but now I think that it’s really interesting and that you have to examine the artwork instead of just look and then leave.”

“I realized that a lot of the time things that are invisible are invisible to our mind, and not just our eyes. Things that are invisible could be anything you are not aware of, and thinking about that helped me widen my ideas for the theme.”

I used to think that paintings were just drawing and colouring ,but now I think that paintings can express or represent emotions, the world, and daily life and it can be different when viewed from different perspectives.”

We love seeing this growth in our students and it highlights the importance of experience and learning that happens outside of the classroom. A big thank you to our Visual Art teachers Trista Meisner, Sepi Johnson, and their support team for organizing and providing this experiential learning for our students.


If you will be leaving ISB …

Families who are leaving ISB at the end of the school year are asked to inform the school as soon as possible using the forms located in the ISB Parent Portal. This helps us prepare school records for your child and with planning for next year.

If you are unsure of where to find these forms, please email Khun Namwan in the MS Counseling Office at


No School on December 7th 

Thailand recognizes Father’s Day on December 5th and as a result, Monday, December 7th will be a substitute holiday for this important day in the nation.

School will resume on December 8th with a Day 2 in the MS.


Joining the world in recognizing World AIDS Day 

  Connecting our community to global awareness events plays a small but important part in developing global citizens. At ISB, we believe in helping our students feel connected to global issues, including Sustainable Goals and important global campaigns for worthy causes. Recognizing Peace Day with our Peace Assembly or UN Day with our Intercultural week and events are just some examples of this global connection.

This Tuesday, ISB middle school students and teachers are encouraged to join the worldwide recognition of World AIDS Day to increase awareness, fight prejudice and improve education. The color red has become associated with this support and is frequently denoted by the red ribbon. Many products and companies have offered “Red” products to raise money for funds associated with important HIV/AIDS research and awareness. Since 1984, over 35 million people have died of HIV or AIDS.

Students are invited to wear red on Tuesday, December 1st and red ribbons will be available as well, if they want to join in on the day. Of course, school uniforms are okay as well.


Peer Tutors for MS students

The Peer Tutor Club is a high school service group that offers quality tutoring for Middle School students. Students are matched with a High Schooler who is qualified in the area in which the Middle Schooler would like some assistance. Our tutors are qualified, trained, and reliable. A big advantage in utilizing this resource is that the tutors have previously sat in the exact same class that your student can use a bit of help in.

There is no charge for this service as the High School students work as tutors as a community service. Usually sessions are once a week for 45 minutes. If you are interested in having your student take advantage of this opportunity, request a permission form from Mr. Callahan at or email him with any questions you have about tutoring.


Forgot to order your child’s photos? 

The deadline for submitting orders for your child’s school photo has passed, however the MS Office can help submit any late submissions next week.

If you would like to order photos, and have not yet turned in your envelope and order,  please submit the form and payment in the sealed envelope to the MS Office, as soon as possible next week.

Orders will be ready and available on January 12th, when we return to school after the holiday.


Jazz Night – 6:30pm Thursday, December 3 CCT 

By Anthony Giles, Director of Arts & Panther Activities 

The HS Jazz Band will be featured on Thursday, December 3rd at 6:30 pm in the CCT Theatre.  In addition to the Jazz Band, the HS Guitar Class will also be performing songs from around the world and a few carols as we move into the holiday season.  Several Jazz Standards will be performed, highlighted by solo improvisations from our talented jazz students.  The socially distanced, masked audience is limited to family members who can sign up through the link provided to them.



Strings Bash Concert: On Wednesday, December 2nd

By Anthony Giles, Director of Arts & Panther Activities 

Strings Bash Concert: On Wednesday, December 2nd,100 string musicians from 3rd-12th grade will join together for the annual Strings Bash. This event is a wonderful display of commitment, community, and musicianship. The concert will feature The ES Panther String Ensemble, MS Beginning Orchestra, MS Concert Orchestra and HS String Orchestra, under the direction of Adrianna Gricius. 


Community Choir Concert 6:30 Wednesday, December 9th Chevron Theater

By Anthony Giles, Director of Arts & Panther Activities 

On December 9th, 120 Middle School, High School and adult singers will join together for the annual Community Choir Concert. This event is a display of all of the hard work that these musicians have put in over the last couple of months and a celebration of the position we are in in Thailand to be able to sing together while much of the world has been music-less. The concert will feature the Middle and High School Choirs under the direction of Ms. Lindsay Fuson, accompanied by Ms. Miao Rong Wang with special guests ISB’s Choral Union.


Upcoming Athletics Events 

By Christ Mott, Athletic Director

Upcoming events

28 November – U15 Soccer tournament at BKKP

5 December – U13 Soccer Tournament at BKKP 

12 December – U13-U15 Badminton tournament at ISB 

For the latest information on games, please visit 


Repeat Announcement: Youth Empowerment Open Mic – HS Lunch Friday, November 27th Outdoor Stage 

GIN x Arts Council will be organizing an Open Mic for the 27th of November during lunch. Signup here to perform or speak at this event! Themed ‘Youth Empowerment,’ this Open Mic will serve mainly as a space allowing individuals to voice their opinions on global issues they care about (e.g. racism, gender discrimination, etc.). You can use this opportunity to read an open-letter, perform a song, perform some poetry, as well as express through other mediums. Note: All speeches and presentations will have to be vetted by Mr Giles or Mr Assimakopoulos beforehand. 

Contact 14829@students.isb.acth or for more information.

Visiting Artist, Kitti Narod, at ISB

20 November – 4 December

Internationally renowned painter, K. Kitti Narod, will be working with elementary, middle, and high school students during his time at ISB, focusing on the idea of what people do in public spaces. During his studio time from 10-Noon each day he will be taking ideas, suggestions, and drawings for a collaborative community piece. Stop by the ES Art Quad to watch this painting develop!




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