News from The Main Library

Chris Bell
Ebbs and flows of activity are the norm for School Librarians. While last week we were trying to get things like our Research Standards updated and collecting data, as well as managing the library, this week we are out teaching. In a class just this morning we were teaching students how to use Google to help create quality questions. This follows the theory of Inquiry Learning. In the library, we feel that this is a lifelong skill.  Students should know how to ask the right questions to get the best answer.  This was in lessons to Grade 9 students and then in the Grade 11 students’ classes as they begin work on their TedTalks. This is an annual event at ISB and one that always highlights the best of the best.   If you want to see some of our past presenters here is the link to the Official TEDxYouth Site. If your child is an 11th Grader, ask them how it’s going and what their topic is for the talks. We have some great ideas already! Keep your eyes out for the announcements and invitations early in January.

Moriarty ~ by Anthony Horowitz

In the true form of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Horowitz has taken up the challenge.  This is the 2nd book of his I have read and it does not disappoint. This story is about the death of Professor Moriarty, Sherlock Holmes’ mortal enemy. This is a great tale that from the first word captures your imagination and makes you want to know ‘who-dun-it’!  While written in a different time period, it is contemporary in style and easy to read.  For you mystery lovers this is awesome!


Need a break from your tech? Tired, eyes, back, and shoulders? Try StretchClock – a great little add on for Chrome that you can set to remind you to take necessary breaks throughout the day. It is set for any increments of time, remember that 20-30 minutes is optimum for our brains and then we should break to refresh. It also provides suggested stretches for you at your desk that are all Yoga based. Select stretches for your arms or legs or whatever, and you don’t have to be embarrassed about doing these stretches. Take a break on me today and try StretchClock!

Warmest Regards,
Christopher Bell
High School Technology Coordinator and Librarian +66 963-58900 ext 1193

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