News from the College Office

Sonya Ohlsson
The last Senior Seminar is next week, Dec 2 and 3 in MPB 1. There will be important information given out (as there is everytime!) and time for last minute questions about the UCAS applications, which are due Dec. 4. We ask for them at this time because when a student submits them, they are actually submitting them to their counselor, who then has some sections to complete and then the counselor submits it to UCAS. And it’s better to do this now, before the winter break, than after as the UCAS is due only a few days after we return.

Sophomores:The 10th grade class took the Morrisby Assessment on Tuesday. It was a long and detailed questionnaire which allowed the students to really delve into who they are and what they want. The results have led to some great discussions with parents as well as some wonderful self-reflection. Students will continue to go over their results, little by little, in their Advisory. The results will also come in handy when talking about their learning style, course selection and possible future plans. But it’s important to note that this assessment doesn’t dictate anyone’s future; it’s just a guide and a great way to start a conversation.

Other News:A few weeks ago, the American Overseas Schools Project held two opportunities for people to join in on a Admissions Leaders Roundtable discussion. This is the recording of that even if you were not able to attend. It will also be listed on our College site: on the Resources page.

Overseas Schools Project Admissions Leaders Roundtable
Date: Nov 12, 2020 8:00 PM EST
Meeting Recording Access Passcode: n4kfL&^@Bt

PSAT & SAT: Juniors who took the PSAT in October should be receiving their results sometime in December– we have not been told the exact date. They will be sent to the student’s email–or the email the student filled in when they registered.
The next SAT after December will be March 13, 2021 and the registration deadline is February 12, 2021.

ISB Virtual University Visits:

There are no more bespoke ISB virtual visits this semester. Check back for who will be with us, either in person or virtually, next semester!

In the meantime, universities around the world are still holding virtual seminars, campus visits and information sessions. For more information on all virtual visits (how to register and join in on a call) as well as links to other resources, please look here:

~Sonya Ohlsson
Head of College Counseling

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