Joining the world in recognizing World AIDS Day

Connecting our community to global awareness events plays a small but important part in developing global citizens. At ISB, we believe in helping our students feel connected to global issues, including Sustainable Goals and important global campaigns for worthy causes. Recognizing Peace Day with our Peace Assembly or UN Day with our Intercultural week and events are just some examples of this global connection.

This Tuesday, ISB middle school students and teachers are encouraged to join the worldwide recognition of World AIDS Day to increase awareness, fight prejudice and improve education. The color red has become associated with this support and is frequently denoted by the red ribbon. Many products and companies have offered “Red” products to raise money for funds associated with important HIV/AIDS research and awareness. Since 1984, over 35 million people have died of HIV or AIDS.

Students are invited to wear red on Tuesday, December 1st and red ribbons will be available as well, if they want to join in on the day. Of course, school uniforms are okay as well.



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