Don’t let your guard down

Don’t let your guard down:  Thailand has been recognized as one of the few countries who have been able to control the coronvirus.  ‘Thailand is an excellent example that, with a whole-of-government, whole-of-society, comprehensive approach, this virus can be contained — even without a vaccine,’ Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, head of the WHO is quoted as saying at the close of the WHO assembly last week.  With news of two major pharmaceutical companies having success with vaccines for the virus, we are still likely months away from worldwide distribution.  Thailand’s last case of local transmission was November 11, 2020, identified as a South Korean serviceman who tested positive upon return to Korea after both a fourteen day quarantine and a training exhibition in Rayong province.  That being said, both Thailand and our local community remain safe during this pandemic.  We thank all of our members of the ISB community who have been stringent with mask wearing, hand washing, and staying home when ill or with a fever.  Together we can continue to keep our students, staff, and family safe!

By:Dhave Setabutr

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