HS Parent Workshop: Assessment and Pathways (Mathematics, World Language, Science)

Justyna McMillan

On Wednesday 18th November, we will be running a workshop for HS parents. This workshop will be split into two parts:

Part A – Focused on Assessment in the HS  

Time: 12:30 – 1:15 PM

Part B – Focused on pathways in World Languages, Science and Mathematics in the HS

Time: 1:30 – 2:15 PM

Both workshops will be held in MPB 1.

These workshops provide an opportunity to address some of the questions that have been raised through the Principal’s Forum, including more in depth focus on Assessment and Grading in the HS and how our pathways in science, world languages and mathematics align with the IB Diploma.  

You are welcome to come to one or the other, or both workshops. We will have a short coffee break in between each session. 

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