News from the College Office

Sonya Ohlsson


Reminder: November 18 is the deadline for Transcript Requests for all applications that are due by February 15. The request form is on the ISB college website.

Also, just a note about Mid-Year grades. Most universities in the US require them and it may be something that a school portal says is missing, which, at this point, is true because these are first semester grades and first semester is not over yet. They will automatically be sent once they are available in late January, once all the first semester grades are in and confirmed by the Academic Office and the transcripts are created and uploaded. Students do not need to request that we send them.

December 1 is the UCAS deadline. Students need to submit their completed UCAS by this date. It is submitted to your college counselor who reviews it, sends it back to you if there are any issues, then submits it to UCAS so the UK universities can access it.


The next Junior College Seminar is Tuesday, Nov. 17th. Each junior will be grouped with their college counselor to begin some deeper discussions about what you need to know about yourself before you can really search for colleges that are good fits. All the College Seminars this semester will lead to the Junior-led College Conferences with their counselor and their parents. This is when we have individualized discussions about each student’s journey.


We have been informed by the College Board that there was a glitch in their system that briefly let students who missed the registration deadline for the December 5 test sign up for Stand-by status. The College Board had corrected their glitch and is sticking to their earlier decision to not allow any Stand-by or Waitlists for international test-takers. Those who may have signed up for ore received a notice that they were on Stand-by were removed from the December test roster by the College Board and will not be allowed to test on December 5.   


The next SAT after December will be March 13, 2021 and the registration deadline is February 12, 2021.

ISB Virtual University Visits Next Week:

Nov. 16 University of Toronto 11:00am

Nov. 18 Art Schools Galore! CCA, CCS, MICA, SAIC 11:00am

Nov. 20 CityU Hong Kong 11:00am 

For more information on all virtual visits (how to register and join in on a call) as well as links to other resources, please look here:

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