Summary of MS Principal’s Forum

by Dennis Harter

This past Tuesday, we hosted our MS Principal’s Forum. This meeting is our chance to answer parent concerns and questions. Thank you to our MS PTA Coordinators who helped collect, organize and support the anonymous parent submissions.

Below we share the slideshow of the presentation with key talking points for the issues covered, however, the slides alone do not provide the full details that were presented. If you have any questions regarding any of the points, please feel free to contact me.

We also shared that we have passed along the concerns around cafeteria wait time and better limitation controls to our cafeteria and ed-tech staff. We also appreciate the recommendation to ensure drinking water in the supplementary tent. We’ve now put this in place.

One further question asked about how our teacher evaluation process worked, which we presented extensively on during the last PTA meeting. School administration have extensive ways with which we observe, provide feedback, support growth, and engage with teachers. If parents have specific questions, they can contact the teacher directly, or reach out to Cindy or myself. 

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