ES Intercultural Week Countdown!

Finally … the most anticipated event for Elementary School is just around the corner! ES Intercultural Week (ICW) is next week … and we are beyond excited to see your wonderful and thoughtfully-planned rooms come alive!  



We have filled up all our rooms – a HUGE thank you to all parent volunteers for stepping up and taking the time out to work so hard on this. 

A few reminders if you are hosting a room: 

  • You should have received your class rotation schedules in an email we sent out last week. We will notify you one-on-one if there are any updates to the schedule.

  • The storage room will be open this whole week from 1:00pm, so if you need boxes and props delivered be sure to sign up here or email We will provide the labels. Remember – No Label means No Delivery. 

  • ACCESS TO CAMPUS: Please note that we need the full names and ISB ID numbers of all parent volunteers in your room. Apologies if you have previously submitted the names, we request that you also include their ID numbers and shift times in a sheet we have shared with you by email. 

  • As you organize amongst yourselves, please note that only five (5) parent volunteers are allowed in the room at a time. You may work in shifts based on the rotation schedules we have provided. We have decided to omit the Pawsports this year, which means you will not be required to stamp any student “passports”.

  • Reimbursement forms are available at the PTA Room and must be submitted with receipts by November 27.

  • We will provide a coupon for lunch at the MS/HS cafeteria for room volunteers on the day of your country room.

We will also be available during ES Parent Engage this week on Thursday, November 5 to answer any questions and note last minute requests. 

Rika Gupta and Teresa Caravelli

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