MS Snow Ball Postponed

by Dennis Harter, MS Principal

As we head into the last half of the first semester, we typically look for ways to celebrate the students’ hard work with different celebratory events. One such event has always been our “MS Snow Ball” social, which takes place in early December. With pizza, music, friends and dancing, the event has been fun for MS students in all grades to enjoy the social time at school.

Unfortunately, looking ahead to December, we don’t see the same fun event being possible with distancing, mask wearing, and no food allowed restrictions in place. As such, we are postponing the Snow Ball until a time when we can run the even closer to its original intent.

In the meantime, grade levels are looking into ideas for grade level fun and celebrations we can have with smaller groups as we wind down the semester. 

We wanted to share this information with you as soon as possible so that families didn’t go out and buy any clothes for this – we know MS students grow out of clothes very quickly.

Students were informed of this decision this week through the Good Morning MS News emails.

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