The Library and Tech Corner with Mr. Bell

Chris Bell

Each week I send out information to students and teachers about what is happening in the library and with technology at ISB. Now you will start getting some of that information! I hope it will create conversations at your home, with your children (our students) about books, media, technology, and sometimes just other fun stuff. 


Each week I recommend a book, so this week was a reflection of our discussions as a community about The Social Dilemma Documentary. The Information Trade ~ by Alexis Wichowski:  Rarely do I read a Non-Fiction book that I think everyone would enjoy, but this is the exception. This book is an amazing follow up on where our data is going, who is buying it, and why. While it is a bit scary to hear where Alexis thinks this is all going, she writes in a way we can all understand. She gives us a fair warning about the potential of these large tech companies. Read this if you want to know more about where your data goes.


The whole theme of this week’s updates is information and data. Thus, I am sharing Google’s provision called My Google Activity. You can check your activity at Google, and you should periodically, to see how much info and what info they have collected.  We have very few rights to privacy in the tech world and Google is providing you a means to at least seeing what they have on you.  If they have it, believe me it has already been sold, but at least you can think about it for future use.  You can view searches, history, youtube, you can search by date, you can see it all and even delete it all.  I am going to continue to work on this but this is one for all of you who care about your rights and privacy. 

If you have some topics you would like me to cover in this just send me an email at:


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