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‘Take a break’


Dear Parents,

Thank you for your support during these first 10 weeks of school where we have been able to run classes, host tournaments, musical festivals, debate competitions and have some return to ‘normal’ school days. We have learned a great deal about the amazing resilience and flexibility of our students and the great care and commitment shown by our teachers during the return to school. Everyone truly deserves a break at this time and we look forward to returning on Monday October 26th refreshed and full of energy for the remainder of the calendar year. 

Safe travels.

Justin Alexander
High School Principal


HS Principal Forum
Justin Alexander

Please join us on Thursday October 29th at 9am in MPB1 for the Principals Forum where the HS admin team of Justin Alexander, Justyna McMillan and Andy Vaughan will answer questions posed by parents to the PF committee in recent weeks. Questions addressed will cover the following areas – assessment, IB grading, college and school counseling in the HS, curriculum (math, science and world languages), digital citizenship and the use of different platforms at school, facilities, teacher professional development, tutoring, GCW timing and many more.

In order to attend this meeting you must pre-register HERE in order to gain access to the campus. The registration will close on Wednesday October 28th at 12noon. 

Justin Alexander



Phone Addiction?

Andy Vaughan

Phone Addiction? A few helpful hints to reduce your child’s time on their phone

Our High School Counseling department recently hosted a roundtable discussion on the Netflix documentary ‘The Social Dilemma‘, if you haven’t had the chance to watch this with your child, it is well worth taking the time this break to see this together and discuss some of the key themes of the documentary with your child.

Within our parent presentation I demonstrated some steps that parents can take to help students reduce their ‘addiction’ to their iphone. For parents who were there and for those who were unable to attend I have put together a short screencast discussing some of the key features that an iPhone offers to help your child manage their phone screen time. Please see a link to this screencast here.

Some key steps to help your child:

  1. Ask your child to show you their screen time on a weekly basis. This also allows you to set targets with your child and helps you better understand what they are spending their time on.
  2. Check both the notifications and pick up statistics on your child’s phone, if there is a high correlation between notifications and then the subsequent pick up, then it is advisable to adjust notifications.
  3. Turn off as many notifications as possible on your child’s device -This allows them to choose when they engage with their phone instead of the phone controlling them.
  4.  Set limits with your child for social media and apps that consume too much time… involve your child in this process to ensure buy-in.

As we enter the break, it is a great challenge to give to your family to do a complete day without tech. As a family this a chance to disconnect to reconnect some more face to face. 

Have a wonderful break,
Andy Vaughan


Mid Semester Comments

Justyna McMillan

Teachers will update PowerSchool on Monday November 2nd with Mid Semester Comments.  We believe feedback given in the comments will support and enhance student’s learning and progress. Students will also share their own assessment of their HAL performance, during this time.

The next HAL and Grade update is scheduled for November 20th.


AP Exams Registrations 

Justyna McMillan

The November deadline is fast approaching for AP Exams registrations. 

If you are interested in sitting an AP exam at ISB please read and fill out the AP Registration Form and look over the following information.

Please note, unless a student is taking the IB Maths SL 2 / AP Calculus course at ISB, all other AP exams must be discussed with the student’s counselor. At ISB, AP exams are open to students in Grades 10 and above. 

AP Registration Form  HERE

AP Courses and Exams (Also linked in the form) –

AP Exams Schedule  HERE


News from the College Office

Sonya Ohlsson, Head of College Counseling


The next Transcript Request deadline is approaching. If a senior has a deadline between now and November 30, the student must have filed their Transcript Request (online on our tiny Google site). The next deadline for making Transcript Requests is November 18. This is for all deadlines between December 1 and February 15. We will be sending all school-related documents to universities where students are applying the week before we leave for the December break, but only if a student has made the Transcript Request.

Seniors, please make your appointment to submit your first application with your counselor. If you have a November 1 deadline, afterschool spots are filling up fast!!

The next Senior College Seminar is November 5/6 in MPB 1.


Most of the junior class took the PSAT on Wednesday. They should receive their results in December, emailed directly to them.

December 5 SAT Test:

If you would like to register for the December 5 SAT, you must do so by November 5. There is no longer a waitlist or stand-by even though the College Board website may indicate that is an option. There is no waitlist or stand-by for international test-takers. If you miss the registration deadline, you will not be admitted to the test.

***A reminder to seniors to send their test scores as soon as possible as it can take 3-6 weeks for a university to have them downloaded and filed from the College Board. We do not send your scores to universities.***

Some Upcoming University Visits (after the break):

October 26: Bowdoin College 11:00am

October 26: Haverford College 11:00am

October 28: University of Connecticut 11:00am

October 29: Washington University of St. Louis 11:15am

October 30: Colby College 11:00am

For links and more details on all Virtual Visits:



News from the Athletics 

Chris Mott

Season Two Tryouts

Season Two Junior Varsity Tryouts will be held on the 3rd, 4th and 6th of November. For a list of High School offerings please visit the Athletics website

Season Two U15 and U13 Tryouts will be held on the 4th and 5th of November. For a list of U13-U15 offerings please visit the Athletics website

Season Two ISB Athletics Registration

Season Two registration is now open on CHQ for all Varsity, Junior Varsity and U15 programs. Parents are asked to sign up your child through CHQ.

For instructions on how to sign up using CHQ please use the following link –  REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS CHQ,

Season One Awards – Varsity and Junior Varsity 

The Season One Awards Ceremony will be held on Thursday the 5th of November. This is for all Varsity and Junior Varsity Season One Athletics. 

More information on this event will be available after the October Break. 


Looking for Donations

Peter Assimakopoulos

October Break might be the right time to clean out your pantry and closets. Several Service Clubs in the high school are collecting items for organisations around Thailand. Our NNR White Elephant Club is looking to collect secondhand clothes, Amnesty Group is looking to collect hygienic and healthcare products, Maharaj Boys Club is looking for used sport equipment, Make a Difference is collecting used backpacks, books, etc. Please consider donating the following items after October Break. 

  • non-perishable food 
  • sporting equipment 
  • basic hygienic products
  • healthcare products 
  • secondhand clothes
  • used sport equipment 
  • used toys
  • backpacks
  • books

Bring your items to the CAS and Service Learning Office in the high school. 


Board of Trustees Live Stream – Oct. 27th

Debi Caskey, Deputy Head of School for Learning

Dear Parents,

The October 27th Board of Trustees meeting will stream live starting at 6PM.  In order to view the session, you need to register via this link.  Thank you for your involvement and partnership.  Have a great October break.

Attached please find the meeting agenda.




Anthony Giles

Update on the IASAS Cultural Convention for Film this November!  

We have recently opened up the number of delegates to 12, and there’s time to check in to see if you can be a Delegate this year. IASAS Film Delegates can enjoy: 

— Entry into the IASAS film festival and showcase

— Participation in the 48-Hour Film Challenge, a Friday – Saturday event that includes a special location film shoot off-campus 

Joining the IASAS Cultural Convention as a virtual event this year  

The dates are Friday & Saturday, 20 & 21 November, and we’ll need you 1) to fill out a form to express your interest and 2) to start working on an original film for the IASAS showcase. Please return the form by 9 October to anticipate our informational/interest meeting on 15 Oct.

More Info is spelled out on this doc, or for more answers, ask Mr Wall 

 IASAS Film 2020 Event Info

Be a part of the creative and innovative part of IASAS! 


BKK MUN XVIII: Congrats to the ISB Delegates!!!

Anthony Giles

This past weekend, ISB was honoured to host the 28th annual BKK MUN event. We welcomed 157 delegates from 9 schools across Bangkok and Thailand.   We were fortunate to have Captain Joshua Mott from CDC speak to us about COVID-19 and its effects on the world. ISB delegates all showed their advisors how hardworking and dedicated they are, and made a positive impact in their individual committees. The Secretariat and the MUN advisors are extremely grateful for all the behind the scenes work that went into producing this successful event.

A big congratulations to the following ISB delegates for winning committee awards: 

  • Yongi Zhou (UN4MUN Most Diplomatic) 
  • Siddhant (Sid) Kapur ( UN4MUN Best Delegate)
  • Armaan Ali Khan (WHO I Most Passionate) 
  • Cholatich (Chino) Spawattanapo ( WHO I Most Diplomatic) 
  • Sohee Yim (WHO I Best Delegate)
  • Ruotong Tian (WHO II Most Passionate) 
  • Pleng Kruesopon (WHO II Best Delegate)
  • Ken Chollccoop (WHO II Most Diplomatic) 
  • Emily Merritt (SDC Best Delegate) 
  • Ayaka Bijl (SDC Most Diplomatic) 
  • Matthew Helmkamp (Most Passionate UNSC)
  • Jitpuwapat (Earth) Mokkamakkul (Most Diplomatic UNSC)
  • Anna Timchenko (Best Chair)

Choral Union: ISB’s Community Chorus

Anthony Giles

Choral Union, ISB’s Community Chorus, is committed to musical excellence and expression where every singer is an integral part of the group. We provide a challenging and supportive choir perfect for those who love to sing and who have a desire to advance their musical skills! We rehearse on Monday evenings, starting October 26, from 7:00-8:30 pm in the Choir room, Floor 1 of the CC building at ISB with a concert scheduled on Wednesday, December 9th. Read more in the CATALOG, and sign up HERE.

Days: Mondays
Dates: Oct 26, Nov 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Dec 9, 14
Time: 7:00 PM- 8:30 PM
Locations: ISB, Room CC 8-140
Cost: 4000฿


Raising Multilinguals: Unlocking the World with a Family Language Plan

Avery Udagawa
On Wednesday, October 28, 2020, from 7:45-9:15 a.m., ISB faculty and administrators will offer a workshop for parents from all divisions (ES, MS, HS) about maintaining students’ native languages while they also study in English at ISB. 

At this workshop, faculty and administrators will:

  • Present reasons to maintain native language, based on research
  • Describe language classes and resources available at ISB
  • Discuss the importance of making a family language plan

Please join us! Parents of students in PreK through Grade 12 are welcome. In order to ensure that we have enough space to comply with the current physical distancing guidelines, please sign up here if you plan to attend. We will confirm the location prior to the event. 

For further information, please email:


Fall Dance Production – Oct 30th

Jaleea Price, HS/MS Performing Arts


Fall Dance Production, The 4 Elements  – 3:30 and 6:00 October 30 CCT

Come enjoy the annual Fall Dance production, “The 4 elements” in CCT Oct. 30. This collection of dances from MS, HS, and IB Dance students explores themes of nature – Earth, Air, Water, and Fire; also featuring guest artist choreography from Mr. Patrice LeRoy.

LIMITED SEATING for Four Elements Dance! SIGN UP HERE! Shows at 3:30 and 6:00, with a suggested donation to our charity, Pakkret Women’s Shelter. (Halloween grab-bags for donations over 150 THB!) 




IB Exams – Registration and Payment for May 2021 (REPEAT)

Justyna McMillan

We have just finished registering our Grade 12 students for IB exams in May 2021. Students who are completing the second year in any IB course are expected to complete the course by sitting the IB examination, as detailed in our HS Program of Studies. Universities also expect students completing an IB program or course to have fulfilled all assessment requirements of the course, of which the examination is the culminating assessment. 

Invoices for the exams will be posted on PowerSchool under “Grades and Attendance”.

We would be grateful if you could complete payments for the exams by October 31st. 

I have attached a PDF sample invoice, for your reference.  

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.





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