Weekly Message from Dr. Michael Allen

Students of all ages are most successful when there is a strong home and school partnership where families are able to link the learning from school to the home!  This is why ISB faculty and leaders provide parents with tools and strategies to allow them to link learning happening at school to home in a wide variety of ways. Virtual Open House, weekly Friday ISB ES eNews, classroom updates to parents, student Seesaw posts, regularly scheduled “ES Parent Engage” workshops, Grade Level Curriculum Unit Overviews, and student-parent-teacher conferences are a sampling of the tools used in the elementary school to support and empower parents.  I believe that the responsibility for building strong partnerships between school and home rests primarily with school faculty, especially school leaders, therefore I look forward to providing a short message within our ES eNews each week designed to help strengthen our ongoing work together. 

Your partner in education,
Michael Allen

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