ES Virtual School Planning Update

We know how fortunate we are to have been in school, face to face with students for more than two months now!  Thailand continues to be a safe place where we are able to live our lives fairly normally.  However, we have continued to plan for the possibility of a return to virtual school if needed.  ISB will soon communicate the divisional Virtual School Community Handbooks so parents can have clarity regarding how we will resume school virtually, if needed. 

A key component to any learning is practice.  To that end, teachers have been providing opportunities for students at every level to engage in practice with a wide variety of virtual learning tools such as iPad applications and Seesaw.  In addition, all  ES students will have a practice experience at some point during the week of October 16-20 in class.  The practices are designed by teams based on developmental levels with the purpose being to orient students with our core Virtual School tools.  Since Seesaw will be the primary communication tool with students and families in the case of Virtual School, we ask that all parents ensure they are receiving Seesaw communications and contact classroom teachers if they are not.  

Please watch for upcoming communication regarding the 2020-21 ES Virtual School Community Handbook which will be shared soon.

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