ISB Principal Forums are held each semester for middle school and high school parents. They provide an opportunity to have any questions answered by ISB’s administration. You’re invited to submit your questions or thoughts to committees who will then present them to the administration for a response.
If you have students in middle or high school, please submit your thoughts, concerns, comments, or questions by the respective deadlines and then plan to attend the Principal Forum for your student’s school.
(All submitted questions shall be presented anonymously to the administration.)
Middle school parents, please submit your questions to by October 9th.
High school parents, please submit your questions either here High School Principal Forum questions or by copying and pasting the below URL into your browser
The MS Principal Forum committee is run by middle school coordinators Kelly Kabat and Moneehsa Kapur:
The HS Principal Forum committee is run by Selma Benmoussa & Dhooleka Raj, HS’s PF Parent Committee: