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High School Principal’s  Forum – Term 1 – Call for questions

Selma Benmoussa & Dhooleka Raj

The HS Principal’s Forum is a channel of communication between HS parents and the HS administration. It is a platform to allow all HS parents to bring forward any questions, suggestions, or concerns to the Forum’s parent committee. The PF committee is composed of parents of 9th/10th/11th &12th grade students.

There is one HS Forum each semester, with a  total of two per academic year. All HS parents are welcome to attend. The first meeting is scheduled for 9am on October 29th  in MPB# 1.  The meeting will be led by Justin Alexander (HS Principal), Andy Vaughan (HS Dean of Students), Justyna McMillan (HS Dean of Academics), and other HS Team members.

All questions are shared with the Administration anonymously: only the content is presented. The topics are addressed and discussed in an open meeting between administration and HS parents. All HS Parents are invited to send their questions/suggestions/concerns to us before October 11th via:

HS Principal’s Forum- Questions from Parents– Intake Form.  Or, by copying and pasting this URL into your browser

As always, if  there are time sensitive questions and individual concerns, please reach out directly to the teachers, The HS principal’s office, counsellors and admin team. They are always your first port of call and will be happy to assist and support you.

Please feel free to be in touch with us if you have any questions, or would like to understand more about the HS PF process.

With kind regards,

Selma Benmoussa & Dhooleka Raj
On behalf of the HS’s PF Parent Committee


Supporting your child’s social-emotional wellbeing 

Justin Alexander

On Thursday, October 15 from 8:00 AM-9:00 AM the ISB counseling team will offer a presentation for all ISB parents in the Chevron Theater.  Our time together will focus on ways you can support your child’s social-emotional wellbeing in the time of COVID.  In order to ensure that we have enough space to comply with the current physical distancing guidelines please sign up here if you plan to attend. 


Academics and Assessment meeting – Link to Presentation and Video

Justyna McMillan

Thank you to all parents (new and returning) who were able to join us on Tuesday 29th September, for an overview of Academics and Assessment in the High School. We had a good turn out of 50 + parents, both new and returning and we hope the meeting was informative. 

For those parents who were not able to attend, I have attached a copy of the slide show, a link to a helpful article as well as a video of the presentation. 

If you are interested in learning more about particular topics for future sessions or have any questions, please let us know. 

Justyna McMillan and Jennifer Delashmutt (

Slide Show of Presentation

Link to Video of the meeting


Current Schedule – Survey for Parents
Justyna McMillan

Dear HS Parents,

We are in the process of conducting a schedule review. At this stage we are gathering feedback from different stakeholders, including parents. We would be very grateful if you could take some time to fill out this FORM. We value your input and we are interested in your opinion in terms of the strengths and weaknesses of our current HS schedule. 


AP Registrations – repeat 

Justyna McMillan

Between September and November 2020, we will be registering students for AP exams for the May 2021 Session. 

If you are interested in sitting an AP exam at ISB please read and fill out the AP Registration Form and look over the following information.

Please note, unless a student is taking the IB Maths SL 2 / AP Calculus course at ISB, all other AP exams must be discussed with the student’s counselor. At ISB, AP exams are open to students in Grades 10 and above. 

AP Registration Form  HERE

AP Courses and Exams (Also linked in the form) –

AP Exams Schedule  HERE



Counselors News

Shannon Leoni

We hope that everyone has enjoyed their Student/Parent/Teacher conferences on Thursday and Friday! We know these conferences were more unique and strange compared to last year’s, but we’re so glad we all had the opportunity to meet in person. 

The Counseling Team is looking forward to our Parent/Counselor event next Wednesday, October 7 at 8am in the MPB, where we will be discussing the Netflix documentary The Social Network. We hope to have a collaborative conversation about the use of social media and the effects on teenagers specifically, and families as a whole. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are online and using devices more than ever, and we think it is important to engage in dialogue about the human impact of social networking. While we may  not have all the answers to solve this issue, we encourage parents to attend so that we may discuss potential solutions and approaches.

For more information and to sign-up, please use this link: Sign-up form

We hope to see many of you at this exciting event!


News from the College Office

Sonya Ohlsson

SAT Saturday October 3:

All students must bring their school ID to get on campus. ALL STUDENTS must bring their Passport or Thai National ID and Admissions Ticket to gain entrance to the test rooms. No student will be admitted without a Thai National ID or a Passport and their Admissions Ticket. A school ID is not accepted for testing purposes. There are no exceptions–College Board makes these rules, not us. All phones will be turned off for the entire testing time and students may not access them until the tests are completed. We will let students in at 7:30am.   


All seniors have Senior Seminar next week on October 8th or 9th in MPB1. It will be during an IB student’s TOK class or a non-IB student’s free period. ALL SENIORS ARE REQUIRED TO ATTEND ONE OF THE SENIOR SEMINARS, Period 1-8.


The PSAT11 (Preliminary (practice) SAT) is the morning of October 14. Colleges do not ever see this score–it is only for the student to get a baseline and to get the “real testing experience”. It is only for juniors and juniors may Opt-Out of the test if they fill out the form they can pick up in the College Office. If you think you will not be needing an SAT in your future college endeavors, or have questions about if you should or should not take it, please just stop by and ask. All juniors are signed up to take it unless they OPT-OUT.

Parent College Coffee (virtual):

When: Tuesday, October 6, 8-9:30am

Topic: Standardized Testing

Zoom link:

**Save the Date**

Monday October 12, 7pm

Presentation by Ellen Kim, Director of Admissions at Johns Hopkins, on behalf of the US Office of Overseas Education.

Ms. Kim will speak to ISB students and parents about What is a Liberal Arts education, holistic admission in US universities and answer questions about US  higher education. (This is not a presentation about Johns Hopkins University.)

Details, along with the Zoom link, will be sent out next week to ISB high school students and parents.

Some of next week’s Virtual University Visits:

October 5: Reed College

October 6: UC Boulder, U of Oregon, U of Missouri, U of Wisconsin-Madison

October 7: The George Washington University

October 8: Nagoya University of Business & Commerce

October 9: Clark University

Please check for times, links and registration details for all virtual visits!!!



Athletics News

Chris Mott

Season Two Varsity Tryouts

Season two tryouts will be open for all High School students between the 14th, 15th and 16th of October. Sports that are available include – Basketball, Swimming, Tennis, Rugby (Boys) and Touch (girls).

Panther Run #3, October 3rd

Please join us and register for the next Panther Fun Run Series. This charity race will benefit Operation Smile.  You only need to register once HERE

U13-U15 Basketball Friendship tournament, October 3rd

On Saturday October 3rd, we are hosting a friendship tournament for our U13 & U15 Boys and Girls Basketball teams. Families of participating athletes are invited to support our teams. 

BISAC U15 Tennis singles tournament, October 3rd

On Saturday 3rd October, our U15 Tennis players will compete in the BISAC Singles tournaments. Girls travel to HIS, Boys A and B travel to BPS. The Boys C draw will be hosted at ISB on courts 1-7.  BISAC Policy – Host schools do not currently allow visiting parents on campus. 

BISAC – Varsity Tournaments – Sunday 4th of October

Varsity Boys and Girls Volleyball and Soccer will have their season ending BISAC tournaments on Sunday the 4th of October. Teams will be attending these tournaments at various schools throughout Bangkok.

BISAC Policy – Host schools do not currently allow visiting parents on campus. 


Bangkok International Choir Festival – October 2-3, 2020
Anthony Giles

ISB will host its annual Bangkok International Choir Festival October 2-3, welcoming nearly 300 singers from international schools around Bangkok. Tune into the live streamed Gala Concert featuring the MS and HS Honor Choirs at 2 pm on Saturday, October 3, 2020 (link provided below) as due to COVID-19 protocols the concert is only open to participants.

Register in advance for this webinar:


Inktober is coming soon

Anthony Giles


Inktober is coming soon.

Join the challenge!

Stay tuned for details.




Registration for Panther Activities (session 2) and October Break Camps 

Anthony Giles

Opens October 5  

Registration on CHQ for Panther Activities (session 2), as well as October Break camps will open on October 5. Questions? Contact

Panther Activities – Session 2 :

Panther Arts, Panther (BBSA) Baseball & Softball League, Panther Basketball, Panther Rugby, Panther Soccer, Panther Tennis, and Panther Volleyball 

Panther Activities Camps – October Break:

Panther Basketball, Panther Gymnastics, Panther Soccer, and Panther Volleyball


BKK Model United Nations XXVIII – October 11, 2020
Anthony Giles

ISB will host the 28th annual Bangkok Model United Nations Conference on Sunday, October 11, welcoming nearly 200 delegates and advisors from international schools around Bangkok. Tune into the live streamed opening and closing ceremonies (links to be provided next week) as due to COVID-19 protocols the event is only open to participants.

Join the challenge!
Stay tuned for details.




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