Government Requirement for Contact Tracing

by Dennis Harter, MS Principal

The Thai government requires that we ensure that students log the locations they visited outside of school each day for the purpose of contact tracing should a COVID-19 case arise at school or in the community. Of course this requirement has raised concerns of how we might collect the data, how we will ensure compliance, and the security / privacy of the data. It is essential that ISB does its part and meets the requirements of the government in order to keep our campus open.

The implementation of this requirement has undergone significant discussion at admin and teacher leader levels and we have arrived at the following solution:

MS students will receive a unique email from school with a form to fill out with the locations they visited. In a particular subject at school, students will spend a few minutes at each class meeting filling out the form. This means students will complete this form in class, every other day. Teachers will not look at what they are entering, they will just provide the time (a few minutes) in class to complete it. We will rotate the subject that this work is done in to ensure that learning time is minimally impacted.

The entry made by the student will go directly to a secure file online. We do not see the data and would only provide it to government officials in the case of a need for contact tracing.

Please contact me if you have any questions about this requirement.

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